Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Confirmation Message from Kristin Barnes

Sunday, January 26, 2014

In with the New!

Wow!! I am amazed at the difference I feel without all that hair. Nothing to hide behind. I'm right out there.... front and center. Feels wonderful. Now, the question is..... what do I do with all the hair I cut off? Any ideas?

Boom Time 2014: Out with the old energy!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Boom Time 2014! Just for the record...

As I stated in my first video, I am doing this blog so that I can share my journey as I work toward goals in several aspects of my life. I am working on my health, my finances and my relationship with myself. I will share more specifics on those goals shortly, but for now, I wanted to document how I look right now.

These aren't the best pictures, but I figured I gotta start somewhere. So... here they are.

Boom Time 2014! Heads up.

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the outpouring of love and support! Stay tuned. Something big coming tomorrow!!