Sunday, October 5, 2008

You Never Know When....

You never know when things in your life will suddenly change. There are no givens even when you think you've got it all figured out. That is why each moment is so precious! I know it sounds cliche and maybe it is a bit, but that doesn't change the reality of the statement. I keep forgetting to value the moments I am given in this life. I get caught up in the sway of emotions about things that in reality, don't even matter all that much. I spend my days planning the next day, week, month, year and forget about right now. That is, until I get a reminder.

Tonight, I got a serious reminder that will be with me for a long time. I was on my way home, driving north on LaCienega, just past the Ladera Center, when I saw a car swerve in front of a mini van. They collided at high speeds (La Cienega is a highway over there). I watched as the car spun around and then the accident was over. The whole thing only lasted about 20 seconds. I stopped and put my hazards on. My son, Kahlil, asked if we should do something. That question jarred me back to where I was and I immediately called 911. Kahlil got out of the car, as did several other people, to see if there was anything he could do to help. I stayed in the car with Ana and made my report to the 911 operator. After the report was done, all I could do was wait. I pulled over to the side of the road because many cars were getting backed up and they wanted to go around the accident to the fire lane so that they could get through. I figured I should wait, since I was a witness. It took about 10 minutes for the first fire trucks and paramedics to arrive. In the meantime, I got a closer look and realized that one of the cars was half gone and the rest of it was a mangled mess! My heart sank as the realization that the person in that car was likely dead set in. I began to pray. But I didn't even know what to pray for. Should I pray that the person was alive? Surely, if they were, they were in bad shape. Would I even want to live through that? I didn't want to say a prayer for the departed if they were in fact alive. So, I just asked God to watch over everyone involved.

The people in the mini van were injured, but it was clear that they would probably be fine. From the accounts of some of the people who went close to the car, the person driving the small car (a mustang, they said) was a young African-American man. So sad! It was so unreal watching the fireman work to pry pieces of the car out of the way so they could get to the person inside. The people in the minivan were put on stretchers, placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital. After they were taken care of, it took at least 30 minutes to actually get to the person in the Mustang. It was finally confirmed by one of the officers that the young man was deceased. So sad! I keep thinking about the family he left behind. His poor mother who will be notified tonight that her son is no longer alive. I don't even want to imagine the horror of that experience! The thoughts that will go through her mind. My prayers are with her. And I definitely pray that he didn't leave any children behind.

I waited for nearly an hour and finally gave my statement to the California Highway Patrol and the Inglewood Police. I was also interviewed by a TV Crew from some show. They weren't news people, so I'm not quite sure why they were there. Anyway, the police said they may need to call me to follow up. I don't know how much assistance I can be to them, but I will do my best.

This experience showed me to appreciate each breath, each moment I have with my children, family and friends. It reminds me to stay detached from the material world and stay connected to God, where my true joy comes from. I gotta give my best every day, because I never know when it will be my last. I'm sorry someone had to die to remind me of that. I just hope that his sacrifice will make a difference for many people. There must be some good that comes from this. A young life taken. An occasion to be saddened and an occasion to grow.

I feel really blessed! I hope you do too. Because you are.

Make each day a great one.

