Monday, August 16, 2010

1st Day in Arizona!

We have spent our first full day in Arizona and are starting to get settled in.  Ana went to school today and loved it!  That is one major feat tackled.  I am so thankful that we found a great school for her.  Now I just gotta get comfortable with the layout of the city.  Thank God for GPS!!!

I got in yesterday around 4:30 in the afternoon and I was so exhausted!!  I don't know what I was thinking when I scheduled a party the day before I was leaving!  I had a great time, but there were so many people and so much preparation to do all at once.  We were having so much fun that the last people didn't end up leaving till around 11:30pm and I was supposed to be leaving to drive to Arizona at 4:30am.  That did NOT happen.  I didn't get to bed until 3am.  So, I ended up leaving at 7:30am and it was rough driving that distance on 4 hours of sleep!  I don't regret it though.  I was so happy that so many of my loved ones came to see us off.  There were at least 40 - 50 people!  I am so thankful for all of you and I feel very loved.  I look forward to seeing some of you when I get back to LA in September for Kahlil's 19th bday.

So, anyway, once I got to Tucson, I was like a zombie!  Ana went with my friend Sarah to pick up her daughter and I crashed out on the couch for about an hour.  Then, I had a little food, pulled out a few clothes for myself and Ana, got her school stuff together and crashed again!! I think I went to bed about 9, which is really early for me.  I haven't been that exhausted in a long time.

This morning, I took Ana to school and met one of her teachers (Ms. PB).  We got her settled in her class and then I left so that Ana wouldn't be embarassed with mom hanging out watching her at school (she made a point to ask me not to stay too long).

Then I took our chihuahua (Papi Chulo) to meet his new dog friend Halle (yes, as in Halle Berry) and it was not cute at all at first.  Halle is about 6 X the size of Papi and she was so excited to see him that she scared him half to death.  He finally tried to attack her, which I have never seen him do, and she backed off a little.  They seem to have worked it out now though.

I hung out at the house for a few hours, unpacking my car and resting a bit.  By the time I finished, it was time to pick Ana up again.  Then, she and I drove around the city a bit looking for a Target.  I managed to get turned around a couple of times even with a GPS.  But, we got there.  I spent more than I planned (don't you hate it when that happens?) and then we came back to the house.  I was nervous about staying out too long because I had left Papi unsupervised in a new and unfamiliar place and I didn't want to have to clean up any accidents.  He was a good dog, though, and it all worked out fine.

Now we have had our dinner and put away our clothes.  Ana has gone to bed and I am getting myself settled for sleep.  I will do my best to keep updating the blog regularly so that everyone in LA, and other places, can know how things are going.  I hope you guys will post comments so that we can feel closer to you all.  We really will miss everyone.

By the way, it is monsoon season in Tucson and the skies are breathtaking!  I will get some pics and/or video of it and put it online so you can see.

Love to you all!

Gratitude:  I am so grateful that my car made the drive to Tucson so effortlessly.  It's an old car and I was a little nervous about how it would go, but it did me proud.
