Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What is beautiful?

Ever wonder how the current standard of beauty came to the forefront?
There was a time when full figured women were desired by many. Now, that many seems to have become few. Somehow, things changed. Changed so much that women are willing to cut themselves open, inject their bodies with man made materials with no thought of the harm they might be causing themselves. All in an effort to "fix" themselves so that they
might appear beautiful. There is something very sick about that, I think. Very wrong and misguided. We have come so far from the truth. So most of us spend lonely days wishing we could find true love. Some of us stay in disfunctional relationships just to avoid feeling alone. And it seems like very few are experiencing happiness these days.

What if we lived in a world where beauty truly was based on character? Where a woman who was valued based on her love and sincerity. What if little girls learned that their minds and hearts were what needed to be developed rather than their bodies? Because the reality is that the physical only gets you so far. Eventually there's go to be a lot more than physical beauty for a relationship to last.

This is my prayer for all those people out there, myself included, who miss out on the amazing love possible when two people connect based on who they really are. No facades, no tricks, no lies. For all the women who feel less than because they don't look like the models and entertainers plastered all over the media and magazines etc. May we all find peace in knowing our inner beauty. May we find true love for ourselves so that we can create true love with others. May we be examples to the children of what real beauty is. May young girls learn
that self-respect is attractive, desirable and necessary. May lonely men and women find love by seeing the value inside the gift instead of the wrapping. May we all feel the joy of the deep and everlasting love we all deserve.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is in the way of your happiness?

We live in a society that values events.  We use events as milestones to measure our achievement: graduations, marriages and birthdays, finding the job, reaching the goal.  We tell ourselves that when we arrive, when the event occurs, we will be happy.  This unfortunate focus on events robs us of the joy of life.  Why?  Because we are always looking to the future for our happiness!  If we are continually waiting for the next event, the next milestone to define ourselves by, how can we experience joy in the moment?  Disapproval and disappointment come from wanting to arrive.  The problem is that, since we are always growing, there is no such thing as arriving.  If we tell ourselves that we can only be happy when we have arrived, we cannot experience any lasting happiness.  Once the excitement of the latest achievement has worn off, we find the next thing to work toward and don't allow ourselves to be satisfied until we have "arrived" at the next benchmark.  Now, don't get me wrong.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting goals and working to achieve them.  The problem comes in when we allow our happiness and self-worth to be tied up in reaching the goal.  When we recognize that life is a process of discovery and rediscovery - that we are continually growing, we can learn to appreciate and value the process, rather than events.  We can see the perfection in each moment.  We can allow ourselves to find the joy in where we are right now.  Happiness is a state of being that is independent of any circumstance.  We can choose to experience joy any time we want.  So why not choose to be grateful for the journey right now? Why not enjoy this moment?  See it as a precious gift.  Tomorrow is only promised to some. Why not choose to be happy right now?  The only thing standing in the way of your happiness is you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for the many incredible men who have shown up in my life.  Those who showed me what true love looks like. Those who saw beauty in me when I didn't see it in myself.  Those who called me on my crap even when I didn't wanna hear it.  So many men have inspired me with their courage, wisdom, strength, and - most of all- their vulnerability!  Many people view vulnerability as a weakness and yet that is what allows us to connect with each other on deeper levels.  When we choose to be genuine, to speak from heart, to let others see us for who we truly are, that is when we move people, inspire others, make powerful connections.  So why have I been hiding so much?  What is it that I'm afraid of.  Rejection?  Being judged?  Revealing my flaws and having them used against me?  All of the above and more.  The interesting thing is, those who know me best.  Those who are aware of my so called flaws and weaknesses.  Those who watch me struggle with my self.  They are the ones who love me the most and are inspired by me.  So maybe there's some truth to all this.  Maybe just being myself.  Accepting myself as I am.  Being willing to be vulnerable, honest, genuine and true to who I am.  Maybe that's where freedom comes from.  Maybe that's where strength comes from.  And maybe, just maybe, if who I am is good enough for the universe, it's good enough for me.

So, I thank all the men in my life for being examples for me.  For helping me to see myself more fully.  I am grateful to have been blessed with so many incredible men in my life.  And even more grateful, that I am aware enough to see and receive the many gifts they have given to me.

So..... What are you grateful for?  Please take a moment and leave a comment.  Your words just might be healing, might be inspiration for someone else.


Friday, May 9, 2008

I love technology!

What an amazing thing we humans have been able to accomplish through
divine assistance! I am posting this blog from my cell phone. The
ingenuity of brilliant minds using their talent for the greater good
never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

Thought for the Day

It is easy to get caught up in the routine and challenges of life.  Easy to become frustrated with circumstances, disappointments or things we think we lack.  Take a moment right now to stop the madness.  Find something... anything that you are truly grateful for.  It doesn't matter how big or small you think it is.  All that matters is that you truly feel thankful.  Let the gratitude fill you up. Realize that in life, there are always blessings.  Even in the most difficult times, there are blessings.  Make a conscious effort to focus on the blessings and you will attract more joy in your life.  

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello All

I've decided to start a blog so that I can share some of the things I've been learning through my process of growth and awakening with my friends and anyone else who wants to listen.  I've experienced so many breakthroughs over the last few years and I see life quite differently now.  I've come through some of the most difficult years of my life thus far.  A lot of progress has been made.  A lot more to go.  I am seeing life as an ongoing opportunity for new discoveries and I'm excited at the prospect of new things to come.  Recently a few of my friends have been going through some difficult health challenges, and one of them is terminal.  These experiences are reminding me that every moment matters and that every minute that I spend frustrated, upset, or sad, is a minute of joy and discovery lost.  Life is precious.  I am here at this point in the evolution of mankind for a reason.  There are no mistakes.  I have a voice that is meant to be heard.  I have skills that are meant to be used.  I pray that I use my voice and my talents wisely so that this world may be a better place for me having been in it.  This is my greatest hope.  May I live up to that standard each day that I live.  
