Monday, May 12, 2008

What are you grateful for?

I am grateful for the many incredible men who have shown up in my life.  Those who showed me what true love looks like. Those who saw beauty in me when I didn't see it in myself.  Those who called me on my crap even when I didn't wanna hear it.  So many men have inspired me with their courage, wisdom, strength, and - most of all- their vulnerability!  Many people view vulnerability as a weakness and yet that is what allows us to connect with each other on deeper levels.  When we choose to be genuine, to speak from heart, to let others see us for who we truly are, that is when we move people, inspire others, make powerful connections.  So why have I been hiding so much?  What is it that I'm afraid of.  Rejection?  Being judged?  Revealing my flaws and having them used against me?  All of the above and more.  The interesting thing is, those who know me best.  Those who are aware of my so called flaws and weaknesses.  Those who watch me struggle with my self.  They are the ones who love me the most and are inspired by me.  So maybe there's some truth to all this.  Maybe just being myself.  Accepting myself as I am.  Being willing to be vulnerable, honest, genuine and true to who I am.  Maybe that's where freedom comes from.  Maybe that's where strength comes from.  And maybe, just maybe, if who I am is good enough for the universe, it's good enough for me.

So, I thank all the men in my life for being examples for me.  For helping me to see myself more fully.  I am grateful to have been blessed with so many incredible men in my life.  And even more grateful, that I am aware enough to see and receive the many gifts they have given to me.

So..... What are you grateful for?  Please take a moment and leave a comment.  Your words just might be healing, might be inspiration for someone else.


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