Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What is beautiful?

Ever wonder how the current standard of beauty came to the forefront?
There was a time when full figured women were desired by many. Now, that many seems to have become few. Somehow, things changed. Changed so much that women are willing to cut themselves open, inject their bodies with man made materials with no thought of the harm they might be causing themselves. All in an effort to "fix" themselves so that they
might appear beautiful. There is something very sick about that, I think. Very wrong and misguided. We have come so far from the truth. So most of us spend lonely days wishing we could find true love. Some of us stay in disfunctional relationships just to avoid feeling alone. And it seems like very few are experiencing happiness these days.

What if we lived in a world where beauty truly was based on character? Where a woman who was valued based on her love and sincerity. What if little girls learned that their minds and hearts were what needed to be developed rather than their bodies? Because the reality is that the physical only gets you so far. Eventually there's go to be a lot more than physical beauty for a relationship to last.

This is my prayer for all those people out there, myself included, who miss out on the amazing love possible when two people connect based on who they really are. No facades, no tricks, no lies. For all the women who feel less than because they don't look like the models and entertainers plastered all over the media and magazines etc. May we all find peace in knowing our inner beauty. May we find true love for ourselves so that we can create true love with others. May we be examples to the children of what real beauty is. May young girls learn
that self-respect is attractive, desirable and necessary. May lonely men and women find love by seeing the value inside the gift instead of the wrapping. May we all feel the joy of the deep and everlasting love we all deserve.


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