Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello All

I've decided to start a blog so that I can share some of the things I've been learning through my process of growth and awakening with my friends and anyone else who wants to listen.  I've experienced so many breakthroughs over the last few years and I see life quite differently now.  I've come through some of the most difficult years of my life thus far.  A lot of progress has been made.  A lot more to go.  I am seeing life as an ongoing opportunity for new discoveries and I'm excited at the prospect of new things to come.  Recently a few of my friends have been going through some difficult health challenges, and one of them is terminal.  These experiences are reminding me that every moment matters and that every minute that I spend frustrated, upset, or sad, is a minute of joy and discovery lost.  Life is precious.  I am here at this point in the evolution of mankind for a reason.  There are no mistakes.  I have a voice that is meant to be heard.  I have skills that are meant to be used.  I pray that I use my voice and my talents wisely so that this world may be a better place for me having been in it.  This is my greatest hope.  May I live up to that standard each day that I live.  


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