Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 2 of The 101

Yesterday was a wonderful day! I spent a lot of time taking care of myself and that was just the medicine I needed. I started off feeling funky, tired and emotional. I decided to shift my energy through EFT, mediation, prayer and connection to nature. That definitely did the trick. Afterward, I came home, took a long bath and then went about the tasks that needed to get done. I picked up my daughter, went to Wilder's to teach choir and then came home. At home, I did all the things I usually do... cooking, cleaning etc. The difference was that I actually had an abundance of energy and I was in a wonderful mood! So, I did my tasks joyfully and efficiently. This was a great lesson for me. I am used to cramming as much work into a day as possible and running myself until I have very little energy left. What I realized yesterday was that when I give to myself first, I open my energy flow up and then I have an abundance to get things done without wearing myself out. I am also much more fun to be around when I feel good too.

Last night, I spent some quality time with Ana. We played Gin together and watched a little bit of TV. (So funny that TV has come up in both days - I usually watch very little TV). Anyway, Ana seemed to be very happy spending time together. We have made a committment to each other to spend at least one night a week doing "family" things. I am certain that taking the time to build healthy, fun, connected relationships with my children will also lead to a greater energy level and more efficiency in my work. Gotta take care of home first right? I think that is a very undervalued idea in our society.

After Ana went to bed, I still had plenty of energy, so I spent some time refining my goals and did the 5 Tibetans. These are similar to yoga positions and they are a daily part of the 101. If you are interested in checking them out, there are several YouTube video demonstrations.

Later, I did some reading. I am reading a very interesting book called "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles". It is written by Bruce H. Lipton who is a cell biologist. The book is a scientist's explanation of how our beliefs literally affect all of our cells. I recommend this book highly.

Participating in The 101 has already helped me to make great strides in my goals, my health, my relationships and my general outlook on life. If anyone is interested in participating, it is being offered for free online. You can join at There are a lot of ways to connect with yourself and tap into the abundant energy source within you. I highly recommend finding one that works for you.

Here's to life!


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