Sunday, May 31, 2009

The 101:Day 3

I woke up Saturday morning feeling energetic and happy. It is so wonderful to feel good first thing in the morning. Most days, it takes me at least 15 - 30 minutes to make myself get out of bed. I have called myself the queen of the snooze button many times. I needed to get up earlier than usual because I had promised Ana the day before that we would make breakfast together. We were expecting people to arrive around 10 am for a children's class and Jr. youth group that are held in my neighborhood every Saturday. I supervised as Ana made waffles and eggs. I have to say I am very impressed with her ability to cook. She did an excellent job. I'm excited to be able to share more of these kinds of experiences with her.

I made it a goal of mine to spend at least 30 minutes of quality time with Ana per week. I'm excited to be able to share more of these kinds of experiences with her. It was nice to see how proud she was of her accomplishment. I think I'll continue cooking lessons with her since she seems to enjoy it so much. I also want to find some outdoor adventures to go on with her - just the two of us. I think I'll make a list of potential fun and new things to do with her.

My mother picked Ana up at 10:30 to take her to see UP. I was at home alone because Kahlil had spent the night at a friend's house and my two roommates were out doing their own thing. So, after the guys left to do the children's class and Jr. youth group, I took some time for myself and started on my assignments for The 101. The first thing I did was a meditation. This was a different kind of meditation than I have been used to. Steve, the founder of The 101 learned this technique from Sri Chinmoy (a spiritual teacher from India). It's called the Heartbeat Meditation because your point of focus during the meditation period is your heartbeat. It takes real discipline to be still and focused enough to listen to your heartbeat. The assignment was to meditate and listen to any voices that go on in the mind because they are likely the very thoughts that hold me back from achieving my goals in life.

During the meditation, I experienced a lot of chatter in my mind. I was thinking about the things I wanted to get done today; the 101 and how it works; the plans for my seminars; journaling the things I was thinking; noticing pain in my back and attempting to make corrections; remembering a time I used EFT to release back pain before meditating. I realize how much goes on in my mind daily. I am constantly planning, organizing, recalling, sometimes worrying and stressing about life. Much of the work that I need to do is kept in my head. I realized before that keeping everything in my head clutters up the space for my creative energies. When I get thoughts out on paper, especially tasks, I free up room to be more creative. That helps with coming up with solutions that are out of the box; writing music, seminar information, etc.; receiving inspiration for business strategies, new products and/or paths that can be taken to achieve my goals. Releasing the clutter makes room, essentially for my higher self.

One interesting thought that came through clearly was “I am fat”. That one was unexpected because I usually don’t associate that particular word with myself. I think I will do an EFT session about that and clear up any energy around that thought process.

Next, I did the 5 Tibetans. I decided to do these earlier in the day because I figured it would help me to get my metabolism rate up as well as raising my energy level so that I can accomplish more without burning myself out. I also spent 15 minutes doing aerobic exercises on the Wii. I felt strengthened and ready to go about the tasks of the day with focus and vigor.

I spent some time doing research into various healing techniques and chakra studies. I wanted to collect more information to help me with the seminar series I am working on. Then, I did a voice lesson with my good friend. That was a very exciting and inspiring experience. She is very talented and I've known for years what she is capable of vocally. Unfortunately her early childhood experiences caused her to feel afraid of opening up and sharing her voice. She recently did a lot of self work and now she is sounding better than I've ever heard her! Yet another reminder of the amazing power of the brain. When our thoughts and beliefs are out of alignment with our goals, they can be like prison bars keeping us captive as we walk through life on autopilot. When we become conscious of our negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, we can choose to chart a new course, despite the fear. We can choose to create different experiences that validate our self-worth rather than tearing ourselves down from the inside out. The mind is a powerful force! We definitely want to ensure that our minds are working FOR us.

After the lesson, I spent some time recording vocals for a music project that My-Key and I are working on together. We have written several songs and are in process of creating a few different CDs. One of them will include inspiring, thought-provoking songs to be used for the seminar series. One of my goals during this 101 days is to write and record at least 3 songs for the seminar. It feels really good to see my goals progressing!

All in all, I'd say it was quite a successful day!

Life is a blessing!

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