Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Boom Time!

Day One

I woke up at 3am today with my mind racing. I kept thinking about all of the things I have envisioned for my life. Things that I am finally ready to manifest. I have done years of self work, research, healing and preparation. I have many tools and resources readily available. And yet, I hadn’t managed to manifest what I have been envisioning. So, there I was at 3am wondering why I was awake with thoughts rambling in my head, when suddenly the words “It’s boom time!” appeared in the forefront of my mind. It was one of those “Aha!” moments. Things just clicked into place and, strange as it may seem, I was certain that “It’s boom time!” was the answer to manifesting the vision I have been seeing. That was when I realized that I am ready. It is time for manifestation. So, I am now committing myself to creating that life that I see. I decided to make use of those many resources and tools that I have available to me and get it done! Not in some gradual way, where I take baby steps and procrastinate out of fear. “It’s boom time!” And booms take off with force.

While I was laying there with my mind racing through the many possibilities, it became clear that I should document my journey and share it with others. This way, I will remember how I created my vision and possibly help some others along the way. It is also a great way to hold myself accountable for sticking with my vision and staying focused and disciplined. So, I am inviting you along for the journey. I am posting my 90 day goals and asking your support in holding me accountable for reaching them. I will post daily blog entries chronicling the journey and I will share the tools and resources that I am using (links for much of them will be provided). I invite you to participate and support me by commenting on the blogs, sharing your story, asking questions, offering advise and/or resources, or whatever else comes to mind. If you would like to use the tools and physically join the journey, please do so and let me know how it’s going. Your journey will surely inspire me!

My 90 day Goals to be reached by 5/8/10

1. Weigh 190 lbs or less. (Starting weight 233 lbs)

2. Have a fully functioning, licensed vocal coaching/seminar business conducting at least 1 all day vocal workshop and 2 seminars per month with at least 40 consistent voice students either attending the workshops/seminars or weekly private voice lessons.

3. Have at least 3 successful mentors willing to support me in achieving my long-term goals. (More on those later)

I will accomplish these goals by balancing the mental, spiritual and physical aspects of my life through daily prayer, meditation, visualization, nutrition and exercise. I will also utilize the tools and resources that are available to me to add impetus to my daily practices and manifest my goals.

Since gratitude is one of the keys to happiness and abundance, I would like to identify something that I am thankful for in each blog. Today, I am grateful for my amazing father who inspires, guides and encourages me to be my best. I am thankful for his love and support and for the Wii Yoga and weights that he gave me recently so that each time that I use them I will remember that he is with me, supporting me in being healthy. What a blessing. I am so grateful for you.

Looking forward to the journey with you all! Thank you for joining me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you lately...and now I know why! Go on Kim! I'm rooting for you!!!! Happy Ayyam-i-Ha ~ I so wish I could be at that concert....
