Friday, February 26, 2010

Boom Time Day 17 (2/25/10)

This morning during my meditation, I got the clear message that I needed to stay home and rest today.  I had an extremely hectic day planned for myself.  I realized that my body is still healing itself and running around that much was going to make that process harder for me.  Then, I went to the back to wake my daughter up and saw that she was in need of rest as well.  So, we both stayed home for the morning.  It felt nice to have a more relaxed schedule.

After a while, we went to the library and I got some research done and handled a few other things.  It was actually an extremely productive time.  I also sent the e-mails to Sean for the business plan work.  I am really looking forward to our meeting tomorrow.

The highlight of my day was my amazing meeting with my mentor for the nutrition business.  She has created quite a lot of success for herself and her tips are extremely helpful.  She helped me define specific goals and create a plan of action that is very doable.  Is that a word? Anyway, I left feeling inspired and ready to go!

Afterward, I had a nice visit with my mom.  I was taking some of the products I've been using to her.  I am very curious to see how her body will react to them.  She is often under immense stress and I'd love to be able to help her feel better.  I will definitely be calling her tomorrow to see how her day went.  One thing that was nice was that my mom looked at me and said, "Are you losing weight?"  I hadn't thought that anything was visibly noticeable, so it was good to know that she could tell.  So, I'm on my way.  It'll be interesting to see where I am at my next weigh-in.

When I got home, my mind was still buzzing from the meeting earlier.  Even though I was getting tired, I decided to stay up long enough to set out my plan of action for tomorrow.  Now that I had some very clear direction, it was simple to get my mind wrapped around the next steps.  I have always been great with big vision and creative thinking.  Where I have often struggled is in the day-to-day planning.  So, all of this great advise that I've been getting from Dennis, Sean and Rhetah is extremely helpful.  It is so nice to feel like I've got an incredible team in place to help me get things done.  That is something I haven't really experienced before.  This is so exciting!

Reminder:  Bring your friends to my show this Sunday night at the LA Baha'i Center.  See the flyer below for information!  Let me know if you're coming by sending an e-mail to

Gratitude:  I am extremely grateful today for teamwork.  Years ago in a self-development class, I learned the concept that 1 + 1 does not equal 2.  Essentially when two or more come together, they create vastly more than the two could get accomplished working separately.


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