Monday, February 22, 2010

Boom Time Day 13

I spent most of the day handling errands and phone calls today.  It was a quiet, but productive day.  I started by going to a health food store and restaurant called Simply Wholesome to pick up some Apricot juice.  For those who don't know, apricot juice is great for reducing mucus in the body.  I always use it when I feel like my body is under attack.  You have to get the apricot nectar though.  Don't get the concentrate or "juice" that has added sugar and stuff.

After I finished my errands, I went home and prepared for a client to come by.  I met a lady one day when I was doing the yard sale in front of my house and she loved my locks.  She asked me if I knew how to start them and I told her I did.  So, a couple of weeks ago, she came over and I got hers started.  Today, she came back for a touch up.  We had a couple of hours of great conversation about life and spirituality.  That was a nice part of my day.

In the afternoon, I went with my daughter to the library so that she could work on her science fair project that is due tomorrow.  While we were there,  I handled all of my internet business and ordered the products that I will be taking for the next month for my health.  Yay!  I am so excited to be able to keep up with my health.  I see what a difference it makes when I make myself a priority, so I am definitely committed to keeping it that way.  I found lots of resources online about the products and the company that makes them, so I spent some good time reviewing the materials.  That was very helpful.

After the library, I went to the store to get a few items that I needed and then went home to make my soup.  Since I am still in the process of healing, I decided to make a medicinal soup for dinner.  I put lots of garlic, ginger, lemon and peppers in with the vegetables and chicken.  (Eventually I'll get myself off of meat because I know that feels the best for my body).  The soup was spicy and quite good I might add.  It definitely helped me to feel a bit better.

In the later evening,  I had a great time learning some Yoga poses from my girl Arlyn who has been hooked on Yoga for a while.  Her tips were really helpful and I am excited because now I can add some Yoga to my morning routine. One of the poses looks like it would be very helpful for the problems I've been having with my shoulder and neck.  I am looking forward to seeing how including Yoga helps me in my process.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I'm a bit nervous because I know that I did not do as much exercise as I had originally planned.  At first, I let my neck and shoulder pain get in the way and then I realized that there are plenty of exercises that don't involve either my neck or shoulder having to strain.  So, today, I decided to put some focus on those until I can get to a chiropractor and resolve the problem.  It would have been nice to get to that realization earlier in the week, but at least I did get to it.  Hopefully my weight has continued to go down.

Looking forward to another beautiful and productive day tomorrow.

Gratitude:  I am grateful today for being happy with who I am.  It took a long time for me to let go of the massive amount of self-judgement I was subjecting myself to.  It feels so freeing to honestly love myself for exactly who I am right now.


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