Friday, February 12, 2010

Boom Time: Day Four

This whole experience is such a great example of the power of intention!!  I had yet another great day today.  I did my morning routine and cardio workout as usual and then got to business.  I spoke with Sheri Petrie and confirmed our training sessions for Monday and Wednesday morning at 10am.  Yay!  I’m so excited to be getting back in shape!  I also got in touch with a friend, Dennis Stafford, who helps build businesses and does business plans.  He volunteered to assist me with my Vocal Therapy business, so I am on a roll! Now I have new students, a place to do my workshops and lectures, and someone to help with the business aspect and promotion.  This is such a great experience.  Every day something wonderful happens.  Every day I expect something wonderful to happen.  I get out of bed wondering, “What’s gonna happen today?” That is such a great feeling. 
Dennis asked me to put together a paragraph explaining what my business does (which is a lot harder than it seems) and e-mail it to him.  That is one task I will accomplish tomorrow.  He is also going to help me put together an e-newsletter, which I have wanted to do for a long time!  After he receives the paragraph, we will schedule a meeting for next week - to go over plans for the newsletter and talk about the next steps for the business plan.  I took a class at West LA College that showed me how to do business plans and I was working on one myself.  It’s a lot of work and, though I certainly can do it, I feel better about having an experienced person help me through the process. 
I also connected with my friend Janeska who does hypnotherapy and nutrition work.  She has this e-newsletter that she sends out weekly called “Healthy Notes”.  I’ve been getting them for several months and they have been very informative and useful.  She used to work with me on getting healthy through nutrition, hypnotherapy, visualization and EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping).  Through her work with me, I got inspired to learn EFT and now I use it with my clients.  It is a wonderful tool that is very user-friendly.  If you would like to find out more information about it, there are a lot of websites that explain it.  I got a free e-book last year by searching with “EFT e-book”.  You can also find youtube videos that discuss it.  Anyway, Janeska and I will meet up again on Monday.  It’ll be nice to catch up and talk healing with her.  I am surrounding myself with healers , business and highly spiritual people.  Being enveloped by their light and energy will surely increase mine.
My roommate moved out today and the internet was in her name, so there will be a few days that internet access will be limited.  However, I am totally committed to my daily blogging and goals that I will find a way to work it out.  Right now I am sitting at my mother’s house, using her wireless internet so I can get my blog posted for the day.  I see it as a test of my commitment and I intend to pass the test.  Once I get home, I will be doing my strength training work out and then getting some rest so that I can be ready for my busy day tomorrow.  I am so excited to be connecting up with Doctah B again and I am very curious about the information he will present in his sound healing lecture tomorrow.  I will definitely share whatever insights I gain from the lecture with you all.  I am sure it will be quite intriguing. If anyone is interested in participating in the lecture, the cost is $55 and you can find the details at
 Well, that’s all for today.  I look forward to sharing the next stage of the journey with you all tomorrow.
Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for my incredible mother who has been there for me through every major challenge that I have faced.  She is very wise and gives me such amazing guidance and I can never thank her enough for all that she has done for me. Thank you, Mom, for being a great light in my world.  I love you!

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