Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boom Time Day 14 (2/22/10)

This was an interesting day of both progress and tests.  It started with a great morning routine.  I added some of the Yoga that Arlyn showed me last night.  It made a great addition to my morning and I definitely will be continuing to do that.  I felt invigorated and refreshed after doing the poses.  I did the sun salutation series and was very thankful that my shoulder wasn't causing me any discomfort.  The ujaii breathing that Arlyn showed me was very powerful.  I can see why Yoga is such a great spiritual tool. 

I did my weight-in and discovered that I hadn't lost any weight.  I hadn't gained any either.  I was a little disappointed, but I knew that I hadn't done as much work on this goal this week due to the problems with my shoulder.  I will be patient with myself and give it more of an effort in the coming week. 

After I got Ana to school, I came home to handle business and get the day going.  I checked my account balance to see if my tax refund had been deposited.  It had been, but it was over $1200 less than I had anticipated.  At first I was confused, irritated and stressed.  I did a bit of investigation and discovered that the money had been used to cover a loan that I hadn't repaid.  This added to my irritation because the loan had been taken out years ago without my knowledge and I have felt for years that this was a very unjust situation.  Now, money that I had been planning to use to further the goals I am working so hard for had been taken to pay off this loan that I didn't even ask for.  I was highly upset for a short while.  Then, I caught myself and remembered that this energy and feeling of victimization would do nothing but damage.  So, I collected myself, did a bit of prayer and meditation and then came to a conclusion.  I decided that everything that I had planned to use the money for still had to happen.  I made a committment to myself and I intend to keep it.  So, instead of letting the circumstance hold me back, I used it to give me extra fire and determination to achieve my goals.  The "how" is not for me to be concerned with.  I just know that it's done.

Some other exciting things happened today.  I spoke with my friend Sean who does business development, business plans, strategic planning and fundraising work.  He is willing to help me with my business plan.  This is a huge contribution to me and I am so thankful for his help.  We spoke for about 45 minutes and got on the same page.  Then, we scheduled an appointment for this Friday evening to get to work.  I am very excited about this.  I've been wanting to get this organized for a long time and now it is manifesting!  Yay!

I also had a great conversation with a life coach today.  She is involved in the nutrition business that I have recently gotten involved with.  I told her that I was looking for 3 mentors and, since she is doing what I am working on for myself, I would love to have her be one of them.  She was totally willing!  We are doing a traning for the nutrition business on Saturday morning and, since she is in town for only a brief while, we decided to set a meeting for this Thursday to have a one-on-one.  I am so excited to have the opportunity to learn from her.  She is a great person and I really enjoyed speaking with her. 

Later, I got a phone call from Jillana, who is the woman that is setting up a healing ranch, which is one of the mid-range goals that I am working on - meaning it's probably 2 - 3 years out.  For those of you who are setting goals for yourself, I recommend starting 10 years out.  What do you see your life looking like in 10 years.  Then, work backward to determine what needs to happen in 5 years, then 3 years, then 1 year.  I did this excercise last summer and it was very helpful.  I noticed that it was very easy for me to write out the goals for 10 years and 1 year.  The years in the middle was where I had the most difficulty.  I did a lot of back and forth and editing before I finally settled on all of the goals.  So, if you do this exercise, give yourself at least 30 minutes to an hour to work on it.  If you aren't already very clear about where you want to be in 10 years, then you will need even more time.  You can work on it over several days if necessary.

Anyway, back to Jillana.  When we spoke last, we said that we would reconnect either Monday or Tuesday.  So, I put a call to her on my schedule for Tuesday. Yet, all day today, I kept feeling like I should give her a call.  Then, around 8:30 pm, she called me.  She said that she saw a missed call from me earlier, which is interesting because I hadn't called her.  She said that she had originally planned to call me Tuesday as well, but had gotten a clear direction during her morning "download" - as she called it - to call me today.  Clearly we need to meet.  So, we decided to schedule a meeting for Friday morning at 9am to connect.  It is exciting to see such clear evidence of divine assistance! 

What an interesting day!

Gratitude:  I am grateful for resiliency and clear intention.  This could have been a very difficult day and yet, it turned out to be a very inspiring one.  I am more motivated and enthusiastic about my goals and my life.  What a great gift!


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