Thursday, February 25, 2010

Boom Time Day 16 (2/24/10)

I had a great day today.  Even though my body was still healing, I was able to accomplish a lot without pushing myself too hard.  One thing that I have learned is that the body needs the time to heal itself and, if I ignore the signals that it is giving me, then I end up creating a worse situation.  Fortunately I had a shorter teaching day so that I could handle my other work in a relaxed manner. 

After I dropped my daughter off at school, I went to the library to do some research on public radio stations and the programs that are in alignment with my work.  I was surprised that there were only about 6 shows that fit that description for me out of the 3 public radio stations that I found in the area.  However, those 6 shows have a wide base of listeners, so contacting them is more than worth my while.  It is almost surreal to me to be talking about this because I would not have guessed that I would be doing anything like this anytime soon.  I love how life appears to spontaneously shape and form right before our eyes.  That’s why I know that anything can happen at any time regardless of the circumstances or what I see around me.  This is a great source of hope and inspiration for me.  It has also helped me to remain optimistic under very challenging circumstances. 

After handling my phone calls and other errands, I went to Wilder’s to work with the children in the afterschool program.  Each grade level is working on songs to perform.  I have been deciding on soloists for some of the songs and it always lifts my spirit to hear the precious little voices.  I am excited that most of my groups are very close to being ready with their songs.  After this, they will likely be working on an adapted version of The Wiz where most of the dialogue is gone and we focus primarily on choreographing and singing the songs.  That sounds like so much fun to me.  I love working on musicals!  When I was at View Park Prep, I worked on Dreamgirls and Lion King and that was such a great experience.  I also had the opportunity to help one of my good friends at Washington Preparatory HS when he was working on Guys and Dolls.  There is just nothing like helping a child to reach beyond what they imagined they could do.  And watching them shine on stage is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever experienced.  So, I’m really looking forward to this time around. 

In the evening I went to a very motivating meeting for the nutrition business I am building.  My roommate invited one of our neighbors to come and hear about the business and we all had a great time in the car on the way to the meeting.  We discovered that she is a singer as well and that she used to be in the choir of my good friend at Washington Prep that I mentioned earlier.  She was excited to be able to be around singers because she said that hadn’t really happened in a while.  We sang in the car the whole way there!  It was a blast.  At the meeting, I got a chance to meet the Life Coach that I spoke to about mentoring me.  She is quite a woman.  I am really looking forward to our one-on-one session tomorrow. 

After the meeting, we all went to my father’s house and had a great visit.  We talked about almost every subject under the sun.  Anyone who knows my father can testify to the wealth of knowledge that he has.  It is always an inspiring and educational experience talking with him.  He also gave me some Kangen water, which I am extremely excited about.  If you don’t know what Kangen water is, I highly recommend that you look it up online.  You can find all kinds of information just by putting the word Kangen in a search engine or by going to youtube.  This water is a great healing tool!  When I combine the power of that water with the amazing nutritional products that I have been taking, I know that my body will experience powerful healing. 

Yesterday, I posted a list of ways that you can help me.  I am thankful for those who are looking for ways to support me.  You are truly a blessing.  When I posted the list, I forgot to mention how you can contact me if you have any information that you don’t want to post publicly on the blog.  The best way to contact me is by sending an e-mail to:

Thank you all once again for being a part of the journey.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for music.  There is nothing like the power of music to heal, inspire and uplift.  I feel blessed that I have been surrounded by music and musicians for my entire life and that my parents exposed me to the true purpose of music.  

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