Friday, February 19, 2010

Boom Time Day 10!

You know, I was thinking about the day that I woke up and had the words "It's Boom Time" rush into my mind and it seems like such a long time ago!  So much has happened in the last 10 days and I know that I have only scratched the surface!  It is amazing what a little inspiration and a commitment to oneself can accomplish. 

Today I had a great day.  I spent most of the early part of the day preparing for my classes at Full Circle Learning Academy.  I love working at this school because the model that it is built upon is incredible!  My friend Teresa Langness is the founder mastermind behind the school.  She created a curriculum that integrates (this is the operative word) academics, character development, conflict resolution, service and the arts.  I have always loved the idea of placing the emphasis on the development of the child through these tools rather than seeing teaching as a responsibility to fill the mind with more information.  So, my responsibility at the school involves integrating music into the curriculum and using it as a tool to develop character and a sense of service.  What a blessing to be able to use my skills in this way. 

When I was reading my e-mail earlier, I discovered another opportunity to be of service.  My cousin in Palm Desert wants me to come out there and do a vocal workshop to help them be able to integrate music into the service work that they are doing out there.  I haven't seen my cousins out there in a while and I miss them dearly.  So, not only do I get to do a great service, I also get to spend time with my beloved family!  Life is so good.  It looks like I'll be doing the workshop in mid- late April.  I will post the details when everything gets confirmed.  I plan to be doing more workshops in other areas, so if you know anyone that would be interested, definitely let me know.

Dennis received my paragraph and said that he was ready to get to work right away.  He asked me to call him tomorrow if I haven't yet heard from him.  I am curious what he is going to do.  I am ready to get that e-newsletter going and start on the business plan.  Since the number of events that I am participating in and/or conducting is growing rapidly, I want to make sure that I have efficient promotional and marketing tools in place.  I am so thankful that I am being supported in this way.  Thank you Dennis.  You are amazing!

Reminder:  I will be participating in a concert on Sunday, February 28th with an amazing group of talented singers.  It will be held at the Los Angeles Baha'i Center (5755 Rodeo Road, Los Angeles 90016) The event is free of charge and will definitely be incredible.  Come out and bring your friends.  I'd love to see you there.

Also, for those who wanted to see the performance at Agape on February 3rd, here is the link.  I looked at the footage and was shocked at how big I looked.  It'll be interesting to see what the footage looks like when I sing there again in March.  I expect to see a marked difference!

Here is the link:

Gratitude:  I am grateful for children.  There is nothing like the energy, laughter and voice of a child.  Today my 1st grade students sang "We Are the World" and made their teacher cry.  They have no idea how much they affect us.  Children are beautiful!

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