Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boom Time: Day 6

Today was a mild day.  I got up later than I usually do because I had a late night.  So, I didn't start my day with prayer and meditation and I could definitely feel the difference.  I was much more scattered in my mind than I have been for a while.  Once I realized that I was off balance, I took time to pray and center myself and that helped a lot.  It's good to see how much of a difference it makes.  Tomorrow I will definitely be starting my day off right. 

I sang at the Sunday Devotional Program at the Baha'i Center today.  I hadn't been there in quite a while, so it was nice to be back and see friends I had been missing.  I also got a chance to see my friend Adesua sing.  She has such a beautiful voice.  We have often spoken about doing voice work and hanging out more often, yet we never made the time to do it.  So, today, we decided to get on that.  We are gonna meet up tomorrow afternoon and talk about music, health etc.  She is a very health conscious person, so I'm hoping she's got some good information for me in my journey. 

After the program, I came home and did a yard sale.  I've been doing them regularly because I live on a very busy street with lots of traffic.  It's a prime location.  Anyway, I've been creating extra income to take care of things I wouldn't normally have the funds to do.  It's been very helpful.  Anyway, I sat out there for a while and made a few phone calls.  I still haven't reached several people on my list, so I am making a commitment to spend much more time tomorrow reaching them.  I did get in touch with my friend Janeska and we scheduled lunch for tomorrow, so I'm excited about that.  She said she wants to teach me another healing technique.  She is the one who taught me how to do EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping).  I am definitely curious what new techniques she has.  We're also gonna talk about nutrition and supplements, so I should end up with lots of good information between her and Adesua.

I also spoke with my friend who is going to train me in Reiki.  She is busy for the next couple of weeks planning for the concert that I will be singing in on February 28th.  So, after that we will schedule some sessions.  I am really looking forward to that.  Every new technique that I learn helps me serve my voice therapy clients better and that is exactly what the goal is.  Between all of the specialists that I know, I will be armed with quite a bit of information and skills to make a big difference for my clients.  I'm so excited that everything is coming together so nicely. 

I'm at my mother's house now, borrowing her internet service.  So, when I get home, I will be doing the rest of my workout and planning out my day tomorrow.  I haven't yet sent the e-mail to Dennis with my paragraph about my business, so that also has to get done tomorrow.  Tomorrow is also the weigh-in day.  I'm curious how I have done.  We'll see what the results of the first week of my new lifestyle.  I will also take a picture and post it on the site so that I can have photographic evidence of the changes being made.  Overall, I am happy with the progress that is being made.  Things have been moving swiftly and that's just how I like it.  Let's see what happens in the next week of the journey.

Thank you all for participating in the journey!


Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the opportunity to see how important prayer and meditation are.  I am thankful that I have the time and space to make them a consistent part of my life.  Connecting with God and with my inner self is such a wonderful experience.  I hope you all will take the time to experience it for yourselves.

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