Thursday, February 18, 2010

Boom Time Day 9

Today was a very productive day despite a challenging morning.  I got up early to do my morning routine and then needed to help my daughter with a project that she had been working on.  Things didn't go quite as planned and I ended up disrupting my entire schedule for the morning helping her.  Fortunately the project is done and now I can move on.  After helping my daughter, I taught at Teach 2 Reach and had a great time with the kids.  Many of them are auditioning for little solos in the songs that I am teaching them and it is so fun to hear their precious little voices!!  I have to say I am very blessed to do what I love for a living!

After work, everything got pretty busy because there was an important meeting for the business that I am doing related to the products that I have been taking.  We had people to pick up and several schedules to coordinate.  Once everything got settled and we got to the meeting, everything was great!  It was a wonderful and inspiring meeting.  When I got home, my brain was reeling with ideas.  I had a meeting with my roommate and friend My-Key about the upcoming workshops.  She is going to design an image that can be imprinted on a t-shirt and used in my literature.  My company is called Healing Song, so the image will represent that and the idea of freeing the inner voice.  I am so excited that these workshops are finally getting under way.  I have envisioned them for nearly 2 years and I am totally ready to see them become manifest.  My-Key is also going to design my flyer for the workshops.  Once I get everything in place, I will share it all with you.  For now, if anyone knows any singers, actors, speakers, or other people who would like to experience greater expression of their true Voice (inner voice), please feel free to invite them to the workshop on March 14th at Elevation.  The workshop will run from 1 - 6pm and will be a very holistic approach including nutrition, healing techniques as well as physical work on the voice through singing and exercises.  More details will be coming soon. 

I finally got my paragraph written about the vocal therapy work and sent it to my friend Dennis.  I look forward to hearing his response and setting up a time to meet about it.  It feels wonderful to be supported on the business end of my work.  I have been so used to doing things on my own that it has really taken concerted effort to open myself to receiving help.  That has been one of my biggest lessons in the last year or so.  The power of team is priceless. 

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the blessing of living and doing what I love!!!  So many people get up and wish they didn't have to go to work because their job is just a job.  I am blessed to be earning a living through my bliss!  Yay!!!!!!


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