Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boom Time Day 12 (2/20/10)

I spent the day doing research for one of the businesses I am developing and manning a yard sale at my house.  It was nice to be at home and not have a lot of running around to do.  I was feeling much better today, but my body was still in need of rest, so it was good that I could give it that time.  My daughter was gone for a while doing a fashion day with two of my amazing friends.  It is so nice to have great people around who serve as big sisters, aunties and/or role models.  She had a lot of fun and came home with the cutest outfits!  Since she was gone I had a good amount of time for myself today.  I chatted with my girl Arlyn for a while and then got on the phone to handle some of my tasks for the day.

Later, I went to my father’s studio to pick up my computer.  The hard drive blew at least 4 months ago and I have been without my own computer ever since.  I am so glad that is over!  When I got to the studio and saw it, I picked it up and started dancing with it.  I never want to go that long without my own computer again.  Last year, so many things went wrong with computers and computer accessories in my house.  It was crazy.  My daughter, my roommate My-Key and I all had problems with our computers.  My external hard drive blew a couple of months before my computer.  So far, my information has not been able to be retrieved from my old hard drive from the computer, but they are still working on it.  I am hoping that something can be done because there was a lot of information that isn’t easily replaceable especially since the external hard drive hasn’t been fixed.  Anyway, all of that is to explain just how happy I am to get my computer back. 

While I was online, one of my friends hit me up to tell me how much my blog has been inspiring her.  I didn’t even know she was reading it.  It was nice to know that people are getting something out of it.  I hope that more of you readers will comment on the blogs so that this will become more of an interactive community.  We can learn so much from each other.  It would be a shame to miss out on the wisdom and experience of the many incredible people that are reading this blog.  

I also got a chance to connect with my older brother, John the third.  He happened to be online on gmail at the same time, so I hit him up on the chat feature.  I told him about the blog and some of the things that have happened since I had the “aha!” moment.  He said he would read the blog and let me know what he thinks.  My brother is an extremely talented musician, singer and songwriter.  Maybe he’ll let me share some of his music on the blog.  I am praying that he will get his music together and put out a CD because he has so many great songs!  He sent me yet another incredible one tonight.  It would really be great to do a project with him one of these days. 

Oh, I almost forgot to mention one of the coolest things that has happened so far!!!  When I sang at Agape on Feb 3rd, a lady came up to me and said that she would like to have me participate in some events that she had coming up.  I wasn’t sure what I had done with her information, so I set an intention to find the number today.  I did find it and when I called her, we realized how much our paths were intersecting.  She is in progress of building almost the exact same thing I am working toward.  We both want to have a healing ranch where people can visit a week at a time and experience various forms of healing that affect body, mind and spirit.  We were both excited and, unsurprised, to realize how much we had in common.  She and I both also use EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) as a healing technique.  We decided to talk again on Monday or Tuesday to set up a time to meet up later in the week and share EFT tips and other information.  Connecting with someone like her will be of great help to me because by the time I am ready to get my ranch together, she will have already done hers and her experience will be a valuable resource.  What a gift!

Well, I am beginning to fall asleep as I am typing this, so I’m gonna sign off for the day.  I’m sure there will be much more to report tomorrow.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the large number of like-minded people I have surrounded myself with.  I am also thankful for the fact that the number continues to grow and become more dynamic.  I am sure that out of these people will come some great candidates for mentors. 


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