Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boom Time: Day 5

My blog entry will be shorter than usual because I am using my son's Blackberry and these tiny keys are difficult for me. I had another great day beginning with my morning routine. Then I spent a few hours taking my grandmother to get groceries. I have been spending a lot more time with her over the last month or so and It's been wonderful. She is an incredibly knowledgeable and spiritual person. I am blessed to have her in my life. She is 85 and still vibrant and active. I wanna be like her when I get to that age. Anyway, we went to 3 different stores. The 1st one was a Farmer's Market run by FAME. I got lots of great fruits and veggies there for great prices. I also discovered that FAME has a business resource center there. I will definitely be checking that out.

Once I finished with the shopping, I took my Grandmother home and then went to my house to change clothes and head over to Doctah B's workshop. I got there a lot later than I expected, so I missed a lot of information. However, there were some interesting things that I got out of it. One thing he talked about that really resonated with me was preparing a space for your presence. He said that before we go somewhere we should visualize ourselves in that space and send our energy (vibration) there in order to prepare the space to be ready and in alignment with our vibration. I have often been places that felt in conflict with my energy and many times I have protected my energy by centering myself or I have left if it makes sense to do so. What he was talking about was intriguing to me because it is proactive. We can set ourselves up to have a great experience by visualizing it and holding it as an intention. What a great way to see it!

After a while, he introduced me and asked me to sing. He played various rhythms on a hand drum while I sang, letting myself flow with his energy. There is so much power in channeling like that! When I do that, I experience the freedom of my soul. I take my mind out of the equation and simply let my soul speak. Occasionally a few words or phrases would come up, but most of the time I just made sounds and let whatever wanted to be expressed come through me. It was a very freeing and healing experience. When I finished, my hands were shaking because tHere was so much energy flowing through me. That was so wonderful. After it was all over, there was silence. We all sat and soaked up the sacredness that had been created. It was quite magical.

Later, when everyone was leaving, Doctah B came up to me, gave me A big hug and said, joyfully, "She's back!" We didn't have much time to talk because he had a client to work with, but we did set a date for my vocal workshop. It'll be at his place (Elevation) on Sunday, March 14th. More details will be posted later.

The last thing I want to mention is that my performance at Agape on Feb. 3rd can Be viewed online at Apparently all you have to do is go to the date and you can watch the whole service. Since this is the first time I am accessing the internet today, I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I'm curious how it turned out. Oh, and Doctah B recorded our sacred song today, so hopefully I'll be able to share that with you all soon.

Gratitude: Today I am grateful for technology! It provides incredible tools for reaching great numbers of people, giving us a chance to inspire, heal and uplift others by sharing our true voice and unique gifts - if we so choose.


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