Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ana Update Nov 19th

Ana had a better day today. She was able to get some good rest last night and there were no surgical procedures done, so she had a more restful day. In the early part of the day, she was tired and having some stomach pains, but by the afternoon, she was teasing her father and making jokes. Even earlier, when she was having fevers and they kept putting ice on her, she said in an irritated voice, "I feel like frosty!" In the evening she had fun teasing Tim and messing with him. She said she likes tall people, but not their personalities. Of course, she was only joking because she was really happy to see him. She was also happy to have visits from her uncles Darius and John, Grammy, Kahlil, Dee, Nasya, auntie Lynda, auntie Nekesa, Leena (bless her for riding 3 hours in traffic to visit for 30 min), little cousin Jeffrey (even though he tried to jack her stuffed animals), Allison, Louis, Burrell, Jerry, Natasha, baby Jaden, and best of all... Moriah! She was in tears again feeling so loved. She was so happy that everyone came and that's some of the best medicine she can get.

After everyone left, she went for a short walk around the hospital and that went better than expected. I was quite happy to see that. Now, she is resting peacefully after a full day. Please continue to keep her in prayer. We need everyone to visualize her absesses draining into the white pouch attached to her left hip area. She had a surgical procedure done to insert the drain and, so far nothing has come out. We need that to drain. I know that the power of visualization is strong, so if everyone sees her absesses draining, I'm certain they will. Especially if that visualization is fortified by divine power through prayer.

Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers. Ana and I both feel very blessed to have so many loved ones. We love you all so much. There are no words to thank you.

More updates to come tomorrow.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are on my mind all day with prayer throughout!!! Love ya!!!