Monday, November 24, 2008

Ana Is Doing Well

So, I know my daughter is well because she's getting bored now. I didn't end up writing an update yesterday because I spent the day entertaining her. We had no visitors for the morning and much of the afternoon, so we watched movies and had mommy/daughter time. I gave her a sponge bath and used the pedicure set she got as a gift from her cousins to scrub her feet. She thoroughly enjoyed that. Nothing she likes better than feeling like a princess, especially when mommy is the servant!

Since she was beginning to lose her mind with boredom, I asked a few friends to bring some things for her to do. Susan and Darlene showed up with enough things to keep her busy for weeks! Bless you guys! So now I actually have a little time to write an update.

Yesterday, the doctors cleared Ana to eat regular food. Even though she was crazy excited, she barely ate any of the food she ordered. I tried to tell her to take it slow since it has been over a week since she's had a meal, but she was adamant about ordering waffles, eggs and bacon. At first I was mortified by her choices (so nutritious!) but I figured I would pick that fight later and at least get her eating again. She only ended up eating a few bites of everything anyway. She wasn't much of an eater before all this, so I knew she wouldn't eat much after everything she's been through.

Later we tried some spaghetti and that still didn't do the trick. It doesn't help that hospital food is barely palatable. When Ana was on the clear liquid diet, one of the doctors suggested bringing chicken broth from the store, since the hospital broth tastes like boiled shoe. Now you know it's bad when even the doctors are recommending getting food elsewhere. Maybe I'll see about getting her some food from somewhere else today.

She won't have to worry about hospital food much longer anyway, though. The doctors said that the're gonna take out the drain in her side (which, by the way, has been basically empty since they inserted it). AND, she's gonna get to go home either tomorrow or Wed. Yay!!! I am so thankful that this part of the journey is nearly done. Sleeping on this pull out chair just is not working out well. They're made for short, skinny people. I got the short part covered, but lord knows I'm far from skinny. It'll be so nice to sleep in my own bed again! And I've been thinking longingly about a long soak in our deep bathtub with candles and all! But, more importantly, it'll be great to see Ana comfortable. It's difficult to watch her suffer and feel helpless to do anything about it.

So, now that we know we're leaving soon, it's time to start going through the vast array of items that we've accumulated. So many people have sent flowers, ballons and other gifts that we were getting crowded out of our hospital room. Now that we're in a room by ourselves, it's a bit better, though. My mother took some things home for us, but we still have quite a bit. It feels like we moved in. And, after all that it took to move into the house a few weeks ago, the last thing I want is to feel like I'm organizing another move!

However, I have a real reminder right here in our room, of how fortunate we are. There is a board up on the wall and written on it is, "Brian 659B, 6 North rocks!" according to the nurses, that poor kid was here for 8 months! They can't tell me, of course, what he was suffering from, but they did say he went home healthy. So, I remain grateful for so many things. Probably the biggest blessing is that I really had no clue how serious her condition was in the beginning. It wasn't until the real danger had passed that I discovered how close I came to losing my baby girl. Thank God I was ignorant. From day one, I was certain that this was just a little bump in the road and that she was going to be all right. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. So, I am immeasurable thankful for that ignorance and my daughter's health.

I am also grateful for eveyone who took part in her healing: the doctors, nurses, family and friends that showed her so much love and care. Even her teacher and school Principal came! How many people can say that? There is no way to repay everyone for that gift. You are all deeply rooted in my heart and prayers. We are so blessed!

To Ana! My beautiful, courageous, loving, strong-willed daughter!

I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Healing prayers are being said for Ana by me, and I also asked for healing prayers for Ana on "the spamflash" (it's an informal newsletter I've been doing for many years with 250+ email addresses on it).

Much, much, much love to you and your family!
