Friday, November 21, 2008

Ana's Progress 2

Ana continues to get better and better. This morning they disconnected the tube in her nose from the suction. If she continues to be ok (and so far she has), they'll take the tube out of her nose!! That's the biggest thing bothering her right now. Plus, once that comes out, she'll be able to drink and, soon after that, eat. The poor girl hasn't had a meal in over a week!

The fever and diarrhea that had been making her miserable are going away now. Thank God. She was ready to go off the next time a nurse approached her with ice packs. I have to say I am inspired by and proud of my daughter's incredible strength! She has been a very active part of her healing. She has no trouble telling everyone what she needs. One of my favorite moments was when her father was visiting and he decided to eat a Slim Jim (beef jerky). She looked at him and, in a very kind voice, said "Daddy, I know you're hungry, but if you keep eating that over here I'm gonna throw up". That's my Ana.

The nurses have been making a point to get her up and walking so that her organs start functioning better. The doctors were amazed when she grabbed onto her IV pole and went racing past them and went around the lobby area as if it was a Nascar track! I have been blessed with an incredible daughter. I am so proud of her!!!

My guess is that she'll be coming home on Sunday or Monday. Then she'll be able to rest and recouperate for several weeks before coming back for her appendectomy. After everything she's been through, that'll be simple.

Today, she told me she's not up to having too many visitors. So, if you want to come by, please text me and I'll check with her. She's happy to know that she is so loved. It just gets tiring when too many people come because she feels obligated to socialize even if she's sleepy. She's very honest, so if she's up to it, she'll let us know. Once we get home, people can still visit her there.

There are no words to express my gratitude for the support you all have given us. So many reasons to have a wonderful thanksgiving celebration!

Blessings and love!


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