Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ana's Progress

Ya-Baha-u'l-Abha! Ana is doing much better! The doctor came in this morning and she was much more alert and comunicative. He said that the treatment seems to be working and they're gonna take good care of her so she can get home. Her stomach has softened some and she was able to walk for a good while today. So, they won't have to cut her open today as they had feared.

I'm not sure when she will be released, but once she comes home, she'll still be on antibiotics for several weeks and then she will return to have her appendectomy, but it will be a minor surgery and they won't have to cut her open. This is what we were hoping for. God is good! All the time!

Please continue to pray. I know that it is your love and prayers that are making a huge difference for her. Bless you all!


Unknown said...

Dearest Kristin and Ana,
We love you more than words! You are in my prayers constantly.

Love, Chitra and family

Unknown said...

We are so happy to hear that Ana is better and won't have to be cut.
Yes God is good ALL THE TIME!!
Ogechi and Didi