Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Boom Time - Live Taping this Weekend!

I am excited that I will be doing a live taping this Saturday for a Gospel show called "Then and Now" on Time Warner's On Demand.

I will be performing 2 or 3 of my songs and it will be available all month On Demand!  Yay!  I am so looking forward to seeing it.  It will be an acoustic set with guitar and percussion so it will be more intimate than the times I was at Agape.  It'll be a lot of fun.

If anyone is interested in coming to see the show, contact me at  Tickets are $15 or $20 for VIP.  It will start at 6pm and probably go for a few hours.

I would love to have my peoples in the audience supporting me and giving love.

Gratitude:  I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my music and message with a wider audience.  What a blessing to use the gifts given to me by God to inspire others.  That is what I live for!

2nd Boom - Revelations! 5-21-10

Today was a very special day for me.  I had the wonderful blessing of performing at Revelations – the annual convention hosted by the Agape International Spiritual Center.  This is a very big conference and it was a high honor to be invited to sing.  When I found out I would be singing, I told my mother and she asked me if I needed any background singers.  I was shocked!  My mother hadn’t sung professionally in almost 20 years!  And, we had never performed together. So, of course I wanted her to sing with me!  Then, I decided to have my daughter sing with me as well.  So, now we had 3 generations preparing to perform on the same stage!  This would definitely be a first.  To round out the background singers, I recruited one of my close friends, My-Key.  So, this morning, we all went to the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel for a 7:30am sound check (man, I was sleepy!).  When we walked into the conference room, I looked on stage and to my delighted surprise….my father was playing keyboards!  I had no idea that he was going to be there!  So, now, I had both of my parents and my daughter on the stage with me!  What an incredible blessing!

When we all got on stage to perform my song, I shared how incredible it was for me to have my family on stage with me.  Then, I had an aha!  For many years, I held myself back from stepping into who I know I really am because I was afraid that it would mean leaving my loved ones behind and being alone.  Today, I realized that here I was on the stage, standing in the greatness that God gave me and I my family was right there with me, supporting me!  That moment anchored me in the realization that I can step into who I really am and bring my loved ones with me.  I am so grateful for living this truth today.  So, when I sang my song, I let it all out.  I was centered, and willing to share the fullness of me.  I opened myself up to be a channel and it felt incredible!  I will always remember that moment.

Afterward, I received further confirmation from Reverend Beckwith himself. (If you’ve seen The Secret, he is the African-American with the locks.  If you haven’t….Go Get It and Watch It!)  He came up to me and told me that I was amazing today.  He said that I was on fire and he could see and feel that I was standing in my power.  I could tell that he was really moved by my offering and that really meant a lot to me. 

So, the next time that I catch my old thought pattern coming up– the fear of being alone, I can take myself back to today and know that I create my reality and that is not a part of it because I choose to stand in my fullness and be surrounded by those I love.

I am grateful for this powerful anchor that I will carry with me.  God is so good!

Monday, May 17, 2010

2nd Boom - Testimony in Action (5/15/10)

I was saying a prayer today and had an interesting realization!  There was a part of the prayer that says, “My tongue, my pen, my whole being, testify to Thy power, Thy might, Thy grace and Thy bounty…” Usually when I consider something like this, my thoughts go to verbal testimony.  Today, however, I heard it differently.  I realized that this testimonial is one of action.  One of example.  It has to do with being a leader of self.  Choosing those thoughts and actions, which testify to the power, might, grace and bounty of the God within me.  My tongue testifying to these things might very well be verbal.  I can speak a testimony of those exact things.  I can also testify to those things through example in my speech.  For instance, I can choose to speak to and about others in a godly way.  My words can be the words I would use if I were conscious of the presence of God around and within me.   My pen testifying seems to allude to the written word.  So, that which I write should also be a testimony through example.  The phrase that helped me to see this prayer differently was, “my whole being”.  The others are easy to acknowledge as a verbal testimony.  But, how does one’s whole being testify to the power, might, grace and bounty of God?  The answer seems to be that we must demonstrate in our actions that power, might, grace and bounty.  If we are tapped into the greatness of God, then it will flow through us and become a testimony to others.  This is a testimony in action.  It is easy to speak a testimony, but to live it…. now, that is a beautiful thing and definitely something worth striving for.

I am grateful for this new layer of understanding.  It is always such a bounty to be able to see things in a new light.  What a wonderful blessing to be able to start the day with new understanding.


2nd Boom- Leadership (5/14/10)

I just did an assessment of my leadership ability from a tool I received as part of the Life Success Course offered by PSI Seminars.  I was asked to rate myself in 15 areas that have been identified as traits of leaders.  What I discovered is that I am a potential leader.  A leader scores a minimum of 120 points out of 150 points possible and I scored 115.  I was slightly surprised at the result because I am often placed in positions of leadership.  For instance, I directed a choir for 16 years, starting at the age of 22.  However, I also know that there has been a recurring pattern of “almost” in my life.  “Almost reached the goal.” “Almost ready.” “It’s almost here.” I think that this trend is a result that shows me that up to now I have “almost” committed myself to being a leader.

For the record, the kind of leader that this assessment was speaking about might be a little different from what many people think.   Before one can be an effective leader of others, one must be a leader of self.  So, this was focused on being a leader of self. 

The areas that I rated myself lowest in were persistence and self-esteem.  The persistence part was pretty clear.  I do persist despite challenges, however, sometimes I let the challenges take over and then I have to work to get back on course.  The self-esteem part was intriguing.  It was interesting to me that there were separate ratings for self-esteem and self-confidence.  I have often seen them as similar enough to lump into one, so I hadn’t really considered them separately before. 

The tool described self-confidence as “a strong trust in your own powers and abilities.”  This area I scored pretty high.  Self-esteem was dealing with liking yourself unconditionally.  I know that I have had a tendency to beat myself up and judge myself harshly.  This is why I rated myself a 6 out of 10 in this area. 

As a result of doing the assessment, I have decided a few things.  The first is that I am committing myself to being a leader.  I am setting a goal to redo this assessment on August 8th and honestly score myself with at least 120 points.  Another decision I made is to focus specifically on building my self-esteem and being more persistent.  Shifting these two things should make a big difference in the results of the other goals I have set for myself.

So, now I’ve got to ask myself, “What don’t I love about myself unconditionally?” The answer to this question will help me determine some action steps.  Also, I am using the tools given to me by Mortonette to shift my feeling about myself.

As for persistence, I am making a goal to give myself at least 15 min of “Me” time per day.  I will use that time to nurture myself in whatever way I want – prayer, meditation, soaking in the tub, going for a walk etc. I am choosing to be persistent in giving myself the love that I deserve.

I feel very good about what I have learned through this assessment.  I am grateful that I gave myself the gift of taking this course a few years ago.  I can see that it is still paying off.  Time invested in oneself is priceless and it continues to pay off throughout our lives.  I am grateful for this understanding.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Doctah B Video

Ok, so it doesn't look like there's an easy way to post a video.  So, once I post the video on youtube, I'll put the link up so you guys can see it.

2nd Boom- Day 2 (More Updates)

First of all, I wanna say that I have decided not to post the blog entries every day.  I will post at least once per week (likely more often than that, though).  I am freeing myself of the responsibility of finding time to post each day now that my life is getting busier as a direct result of working to complete my goals.  I am working intently on keeping my word, so I feel it is important to state what I intend to do with the blog.  That way, my readers know what they can expect.

For today, I'd like to share some of the wonderful things I have created over the past month.  I am very excited about the growing momentum related to my music and workshops.  About 3 weeks ago, I was speaking with Doctah B and he suggested that I contact Samm Brown, who hosts a radio show on KPFK called "For the Record".  Samm knows Doctah B and my father as well.  So, I found Samm's e-mail address and sent him a message letting him know who I was and what work I have been doing.  Within 3 hours, I received a response stating that he wanted to put me on a panel discussing the healing power of sound in June or July!  It was so great to get such a warm response without even having a conversation.  I am so thankful that Doctah B made the suggestion! I will let you know as soon as the executive producer of the show contacts me with the date of the show.

I also got contacted on Facebook recently by someone who heard my music on Reverbnation.  She has a Time Warner cable TV show that is on On Demand and she wants me to sing on the show.  The taping will occur on May 29th.  She also has an internet radio show and asked me to send her some music that she can play.  Of course, I already handled that.  I am excited that I am getting opportunities to expand then numbers of people that know what I am up to.  I will also be sending her the flyer for my next workshop and asking her to announce the workshops on her radio show - or maybe she'd be interested in doing an interview.  Oh yeah, she also mentioned that she is doing a tour sponsored by Rally Burger in June and she wants to put me on it.  We've gotta talk details before I make any commitments, of course, but it sure is nice to be seeing some tangible momentum.

Another nice thing that happened over the last couple of months is the building of a relationship with another healer named Jillana.  She and I met at Agape when I offered service there in February.  After talking, we realized that we have very similar goals.  So, we have decided to team up and support each other in our healing and in the building of our work.  Since my workshops are in a further state of organization than hers, she has agreed to assist me with locations and promotion in return for a percentage of my profits.  I am so thankful to get some assistance in that area because it really is a lot of work.

Also, we connected up and did some EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) work on each other.  She has been repressing her voice for a long time because she doesn't like the sound that is coming out now.  She used to sing, but something happened and she started to withhold it.  We did one session together and, within a few days, she started getting requests to sing and, a couple of weeks later, she was on stage at Agape doing backgrounds for someone!  She is willing to do a video testimonial for me, so once that is done, I will share it on here.  It is always a great feeling to see people make breakthroughs as a result of working with me.

I have gotten a few other video testimonials and statements which I will be posting online shortly.  One of them is from Doctah B.  I will post it on here.  I think I can figure out how to do it.  I will be editing the video footage so that it will be more succinct.  However, I will post the entire statement as an exclusive for my readers.  Doctah B is quite a character, so get ready to laugh!  Don't let it fool you, though.  This man is quite wise and an incredible healer.

Ricky Byars-Beckwith (Music Director at Agape) also gave me quite a nice written testimonial about my voice.  She said "An incredibly gifted artist whose voice expands the meaning in a song, Kristin Barnes is a force to behold as she comes into her own."  It is so wonderful to have great testimonials like this from such powerful and gifted people!

Well, I think that's enough for today.  I look forward to sharing more exciting news with you all in the next week.  In the meantime, check out the video and let me know what you think.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for having peace of mind.  Even though there are some challenges that I am currently working through, I have been able to create a calm serenity by using some tools that I learned in my journey.  I am so blessed to have access to incredible tools that allow me to keep centered and balanced even in the midst of trials.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I am a gift given unto the universe.  Shaped unique by the hands of God."

Kristin Barnes

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goals for 2nd Boom (May 9, 2010 - August 8, 2010)

Ok.  So I promised myself... and you... that I would post my new goals today.  I realized that 3 months from today is the day before my birthday.  So, I'm making August 8th the deadline for these goals.  That way, I'l be starting fresh on my birthday, which is perfect for me.

Goal #1

Weigh 185 lbs or less.  (Starting weight is 213.  That means a total drop of 28 lbs)

Goal #2

Fully functioning licensed seminar business conducting at least 2 seminars per month with at least 10 participants.

Goal #3 

Earning a minimum of $2500 per month doing what I love to do.  (Workshops/seminars, voice students, nutrition business, live performance, healing sessions, life coaching)

I will reach these goals by using the knowledge and resources that I have created during this past 90 days as well as those that were already in place.  I will also be continuing to use the tools that worked well for me - prayer, meditation, yoga, thai chi etc.  I am even more clear now about the importance of making time for myself and my spiritual well-being.  I am determined more than ever to keep consistent with creating time for myself.

How you can support me:

1.  Spread the news about the blog.  More readers creates more accountability and provides more opportunities to get constructive feedback.

2.  Comment on the blogs!  Add your thoughts, challenges, etc.

3.  If you are interested in creating something new for yourself, post your goals and lets get a support group going!  I would be happy to have others working alongside me to create momentum in our lives.  A workout team would be awesome!

4.  Spread the news about the workshops, seminars, vocal coaching etc.  I will post flyers etc to help you get the word out.

Thank you all again for your continued support.  It makes such a big difference!

Gratitude:  I am grateful for wisdom gained through life experience.  So valuable!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Long Overdue Update!

Hey everybody!

The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of activity!  I have made great progress on all of my goals.  Some have been completed.  Others are still in process. Committing to goals means growth. It often brings up mental and emotional blockages that have been in the way of achieving those goals prior to now.  This is what I have been experiencing in my journey.  Before I give more of the details about what I learned in the last few months, let me state the progress of each goal.

Goal #1

My first goal was to weigh 190 lbs or less by 5/8/10

I can say with surety that I will not have reached this goal by tomorrow.  I currently weigh 213 lbs.  This means that I am 20 lbs lighter than my original weight and 23 lbs heavier than my goal weight.  I did not commit to this goal with the level of intensity that I know I am capable of. Therefore, I am setting a new intention for this goal.  I do feel good that I consistently gave significantly more time to self-nurturing than I ever have.  This is one pattern I intend to continue because it has proved to be immensely helpful to my overall well-being.

Goal #2

I am happy to report that the goal of having at least 3 successful mentors willing to support me in achieving my long-term goals has been accomplished!!  I actually have 5 different mentors right now!  I am so excited to be working with so many incredibly powerful people!  I will give more details on those people later after I ensure that I have their permission to share their information.  You have already heard about a couple of them (Doctah B Sirius and Mortonette).  Both of them can be found online.  To look up Doctah B, go to  Mortonette's website is simply

Goal #3

The goal of having a fully functioning, licensed vocal coaching/seminar business conducting at least 1 all day vocal workshop and 2 seminars per month with at least 40 consistent voice students either attending the workshops/seminars or weekly private voice lessons - was not complete.

Since the last time I posted, I have completed 2 workshops!!!  This is a huge deal to me because I have been envisioning the workshops for 4 years and I can now say that I have done them!  It feels incredible to say that!  I am also overjoyed that the participants gave incredible written feedback and all of the assessment items on my survey came back with scores of 9 or 10 with 10 being the highest!  This is tangible evidence that the workshops created great value for the participants.  I am definitely on the right track.  So, now I am working to reach out to a wider audience.  The number of participants in the workshops was lower than the goal that I set for myself, so I am reevaluating my promotion methods.  I have also been advised by one of my mentors that I have a tendency to set my goals very high.  This tends to send my mind into overwhelm, thus bringing up all of my blockages.  

I will be revising this goal based on the progress that has been made and new information that has arisen through my efforts.

Some things I learned:

I have a tendency to set myself up for failure by creating very high goals and then going into overwhelm in the process of working to attain them.  I have been advised to make sure that whatever goals I set for myself are achievable within the time frame and are realistic.  I will definitely be keeping this in mind for the next goals that I will be posting on 5/9/10.

There has been a pattern in my life of creating great things under duress.  I noticed that I often move fastest when I feel that my back is against the wall.  This creates a great deal of stress because I am working under the belief that I have to struggle in order to grow.  I have been working with the aid of a few of my mentors to create a new paradigm for myself that allows for growth to occur with ease.  I release the need to struggle!!

These two learnings have huge implications and affect every goal that I set.  I intend to release myself from these patterns so that I can achieve my goals through a process that is inspiring and joyful.  I am looking forward to seeing an entirely different paradigm for the next few months.

There is so much more to report!  A lot of exciting things occurred in the last few months.  I will post again tomorrow so I don't end up writing a book right now.

Thank you all for your support and feedback!  You have been a great blessing to me!


I am so grateful for the new information that I have received about myself throughout this process.  Awareness is such an important step in creating change.  I am excited about the continuation of the journey!!!!
