Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2nd Boom- Day 2 (More Updates)

First of all, I wanna say that I have decided not to post the blog entries every day.  I will post at least once per week (likely more often than that, though).  I am freeing myself of the responsibility of finding time to post each day now that my life is getting busier as a direct result of working to complete my goals.  I am working intently on keeping my word, so I feel it is important to state what I intend to do with the blog.  That way, my readers know what they can expect.

For today, I'd like to share some of the wonderful things I have created over the past month.  I am very excited about the growing momentum related to my music and workshops.  About 3 weeks ago, I was speaking with Doctah B and he suggested that I contact Samm Brown, who hosts a radio show on KPFK called "For the Record".  Samm knows Doctah B and my father as well.  So, I found Samm's e-mail address and sent him a message letting him know who I was and what work I have been doing.  Within 3 hours, I received a response stating that he wanted to put me on a panel discussing the healing power of sound in June or July!  It was so great to get such a warm response without even having a conversation.  I am so thankful that Doctah B made the suggestion! I will let you know as soon as the executive producer of the show contacts me with the date of the show.

I also got contacted on Facebook recently by someone who heard my music on Reverbnation.  She has a Time Warner cable TV show that is on On Demand and she wants me to sing on the show.  The taping will occur on May 29th.  She also has an internet radio show and asked me to send her some music that she can play.  Of course, I already handled that.  I am excited that I am getting opportunities to expand then numbers of people that know what I am up to.  I will also be sending her the flyer for my next workshop and asking her to announce the workshops on her radio show - or maybe she'd be interested in doing an interview.  Oh yeah, she also mentioned that she is doing a tour sponsored by Rally Burger in June and she wants to put me on it.  We've gotta talk details before I make any commitments, of course, but it sure is nice to be seeing some tangible momentum.

Another nice thing that happened over the last couple of months is the building of a relationship with another healer named Jillana.  She and I met at Agape when I offered service there in February.  After talking, we realized that we have very similar goals.  So, we have decided to team up and support each other in our healing and in the building of our work.  Since my workshops are in a further state of organization than hers, she has agreed to assist me with locations and promotion in return for a percentage of my profits.  I am so thankful to get some assistance in that area because it really is a lot of work.

Also, we connected up and did some EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) work on each other.  She has been repressing her voice for a long time because she doesn't like the sound that is coming out now.  She used to sing, but something happened and she started to withhold it.  We did one session together and, within a few days, she started getting requests to sing and, a couple of weeks later, she was on stage at Agape doing backgrounds for someone!  She is willing to do a video testimonial for me, so once that is done, I will share it on here.  It is always a great feeling to see people make breakthroughs as a result of working with me.

I have gotten a few other video testimonials and statements which I will be posting online shortly.  One of them is from Doctah B.  I will post it on here.  I think I can figure out how to do it.  I will be editing the video footage so that it will be more succinct.  However, I will post the entire statement as an exclusive for my readers.  Doctah B is quite a character, so get ready to laugh!  Don't let it fool you, though.  This man is quite wise and an incredible healer.

Ricky Byars-Beckwith (Music Director at Agape) also gave me quite a nice written testimonial about my voice.  She said "An incredibly gifted artist whose voice expands the meaning in a song, Kristin Barnes is a force to behold as she comes into her own."  It is so wonderful to have great testimonials like this from such powerful and gifted people!

Well, I think that's enough for today.  I look forward to sharing more exciting news with you all in the next week.  In the meantime, check out the video and let me know what you think.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for having peace of mind.  Even though there are some challenges that I am currently working through, I have been able to create a calm serenity by using some tools that I learned in my journey.  I am so blessed to have access to incredible tools that allow me to keep centered and balanced even in the midst of trials.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I am a gift given unto the universe.  Shaped unique by the hands of God."

Kristin Barnes

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