Monday, May 17, 2010

2nd Boom - Testimony in Action (5/15/10)

I was saying a prayer today and had an interesting realization!  There was a part of the prayer that says, “My tongue, my pen, my whole being, testify to Thy power, Thy might, Thy grace and Thy bounty…” Usually when I consider something like this, my thoughts go to verbal testimony.  Today, however, I heard it differently.  I realized that this testimonial is one of action.  One of example.  It has to do with being a leader of self.  Choosing those thoughts and actions, which testify to the power, might, grace and bounty of the God within me.  My tongue testifying to these things might very well be verbal.  I can speak a testimony of those exact things.  I can also testify to those things through example in my speech.  For instance, I can choose to speak to and about others in a godly way.  My words can be the words I would use if I were conscious of the presence of God around and within me.   My pen testifying seems to allude to the written word.  So, that which I write should also be a testimony through example.  The phrase that helped me to see this prayer differently was, “my whole being”.  The others are easy to acknowledge as a verbal testimony.  But, how does one’s whole being testify to the power, might, grace and bounty of God?  The answer seems to be that we must demonstrate in our actions that power, might, grace and bounty.  If we are tapped into the greatness of God, then it will flow through us and become a testimony to others.  This is a testimony in action.  It is easy to speak a testimony, but to live it…. now, that is a beautiful thing and definitely something worth striving for.

I am grateful for this new layer of understanding.  It is always such a bounty to be able to see things in a new light.  What a wonderful blessing to be able to start the day with new understanding.


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