Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goals for 2nd Boom (May 9, 2010 - August 8, 2010)

Ok.  So I promised myself... and you... that I would post my new goals today.  I realized that 3 months from today is the day before my birthday.  So, I'm making August 8th the deadline for these goals.  That way, I'l be starting fresh on my birthday, which is perfect for me.

Goal #1

Weigh 185 lbs or less.  (Starting weight is 213.  That means a total drop of 28 lbs)

Goal #2

Fully functioning licensed seminar business conducting at least 2 seminars per month with at least 10 participants.

Goal #3 

Earning a minimum of $2500 per month doing what I love to do.  (Workshops/seminars, voice students, nutrition business, live performance, healing sessions, life coaching)

I will reach these goals by using the knowledge and resources that I have created during this past 90 days as well as those that were already in place.  I will also be continuing to use the tools that worked well for me - prayer, meditation, yoga, thai chi etc.  I am even more clear now about the importance of making time for myself and my spiritual well-being.  I am determined more than ever to keep consistent with creating time for myself.

How you can support me:

1.  Spread the news about the blog.  More readers creates more accountability and provides more opportunities to get constructive feedback.

2.  Comment on the blogs!  Add your thoughts, challenges, etc.

3.  If you are interested in creating something new for yourself, post your goals and lets get a support group going!  I would be happy to have others working alongside me to create momentum in our lives.  A workout team would be awesome!

4.  Spread the news about the workshops, seminars, vocal coaching etc.  I will post flyers etc to help you get the word out.

Thank you all again for your continued support.  It makes such a big difference!

Gratitude:  I am grateful for wisdom gained through life experience.  So valuable!


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