Friday, May 7, 2010

Long Overdue Update!

Hey everybody!

The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of activity!  I have made great progress on all of my goals.  Some have been completed.  Others are still in process. Committing to goals means growth. It often brings up mental and emotional blockages that have been in the way of achieving those goals prior to now.  This is what I have been experiencing in my journey.  Before I give more of the details about what I learned in the last few months, let me state the progress of each goal.

Goal #1

My first goal was to weigh 190 lbs or less by 5/8/10

I can say with surety that I will not have reached this goal by tomorrow.  I currently weigh 213 lbs.  This means that I am 20 lbs lighter than my original weight and 23 lbs heavier than my goal weight.  I did not commit to this goal with the level of intensity that I know I am capable of. Therefore, I am setting a new intention for this goal.  I do feel good that I consistently gave significantly more time to self-nurturing than I ever have.  This is one pattern I intend to continue because it has proved to be immensely helpful to my overall well-being.

Goal #2

I am happy to report that the goal of having at least 3 successful mentors willing to support me in achieving my long-term goals has been accomplished!!  I actually have 5 different mentors right now!  I am so excited to be working with so many incredibly powerful people!  I will give more details on those people later after I ensure that I have their permission to share their information.  You have already heard about a couple of them (Doctah B Sirius and Mortonette).  Both of them can be found online.  To look up Doctah B, go to  Mortonette's website is simply

Goal #3

The goal of having a fully functioning, licensed vocal coaching/seminar business conducting at least 1 all day vocal workshop and 2 seminars per month with at least 40 consistent voice students either attending the workshops/seminars or weekly private voice lessons - was not complete.

Since the last time I posted, I have completed 2 workshops!!!  This is a huge deal to me because I have been envisioning the workshops for 4 years and I can now say that I have done them!  It feels incredible to say that!  I am also overjoyed that the participants gave incredible written feedback and all of the assessment items on my survey came back with scores of 9 or 10 with 10 being the highest!  This is tangible evidence that the workshops created great value for the participants.  I am definitely on the right track.  So, now I am working to reach out to a wider audience.  The number of participants in the workshops was lower than the goal that I set for myself, so I am reevaluating my promotion methods.  I have also been advised by one of my mentors that I have a tendency to set my goals very high.  This tends to send my mind into overwhelm, thus bringing up all of my blockages.  

I will be revising this goal based on the progress that has been made and new information that has arisen through my efforts.

Some things I learned:

I have a tendency to set myself up for failure by creating very high goals and then going into overwhelm in the process of working to attain them.  I have been advised to make sure that whatever goals I set for myself are achievable within the time frame and are realistic.  I will definitely be keeping this in mind for the next goals that I will be posting on 5/9/10.

There has been a pattern in my life of creating great things under duress.  I noticed that I often move fastest when I feel that my back is against the wall.  This creates a great deal of stress because I am working under the belief that I have to struggle in order to grow.  I have been working with the aid of a few of my mentors to create a new paradigm for myself that allows for growth to occur with ease.  I release the need to struggle!!

These two learnings have huge implications and affect every goal that I set.  I intend to release myself from these patterns so that I can achieve my goals through a process that is inspiring and joyful.  I am looking forward to seeing an entirely different paradigm for the next few months.

There is so much more to report!  A lot of exciting things occurred in the last few months.  I will post again tomorrow so I don't end up writing a book right now.

Thank you all for your support and feedback!  You have been a great blessing to me!


I am so grateful for the new information that I have received about myself throughout this process.  Awareness is such an important step in creating change.  I am excited about the continuation of the journey!!!!


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