Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2nd Boom - Revelations! 5-21-10

Today was a very special day for me.  I had the wonderful blessing of performing at Revelations – the annual convention hosted by the Agape International Spiritual Center.  This is a very big conference and it was a high honor to be invited to sing.  When I found out I would be singing, I told my mother and she asked me if I needed any background singers.  I was shocked!  My mother hadn’t sung professionally in almost 20 years!  And, we had never performed together. So, of course I wanted her to sing with me!  Then, I decided to have my daughter sing with me as well.  So, now we had 3 generations preparing to perform on the same stage!  This would definitely be a first.  To round out the background singers, I recruited one of my close friends, My-Key.  So, this morning, we all went to the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel for a 7:30am sound check (man, I was sleepy!).  When we walked into the conference room, I looked on stage and to my delighted surprise….my father was playing keyboards!  I had no idea that he was going to be there!  So, now, I had both of my parents and my daughter on the stage with me!  What an incredible blessing!

When we all got on stage to perform my song, I shared how incredible it was for me to have my family on stage with me.  Then, I had an aha!  For many years, I held myself back from stepping into who I know I really am because I was afraid that it would mean leaving my loved ones behind and being alone.  Today, I realized that here I was on the stage, standing in the greatness that God gave me and I my family was right there with me, supporting me!  That moment anchored me in the realization that I can step into who I really am and bring my loved ones with me.  I am so grateful for living this truth today.  So, when I sang my song, I let it all out.  I was centered, and willing to share the fullness of me.  I opened myself up to be a channel and it felt incredible!  I will always remember that moment.

Afterward, I received further confirmation from Reverend Beckwith himself. (If you’ve seen The Secret, he is the African-American with the locks.  If you haven’t….Go Get It and Watch It!)  He came up to me and told me that I was amazing today.  He said that I was on fire and he could see and feel that I was standing in my power.  I could tell that he was really moved by my offering and that really meant a lot to me. 

So, the next time that I catch my old thought pattern coming up– the fear of being alone, I can take myself back to today and know that I create my reality and that is not a part of it because I choose to stand in my fullness and be surrounded by those I love.

I am grateful for this powerful anchor that I will carry with me.  God is so good!

1 comment:

Allison said...

fantastic! So excited about this. Keep it going!