Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"You Are A Divine Instrument" Workshop Payments

Order online in advance and get a special discounted price for both days.

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Workshop Options

Friday, March 12, 2010

Workshop Flyer for March 21st and March 28th

Here is the flyer for the workshop with My-Key's beautiful artwork in the center!  Please support me by:

1.  Attending the workshop.
2.  Forwarding the flyer to all of your contacts (you never know who might be interested).
3.  Post the flyer at work or in coffee shops or other locations near you.
4.  Post feedback on the flyer (wording, layout, etc)

Thank you all for being such incredible supporters of my work.  I look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Boom Time Days 27 - 31 (3/6/10 - 3/11/10)

It is a good thing that I had a relaxed day on Saturday because this week has been a whirlwind and I expect the next one to be even busier.  I have been hard at work getting ready for my workshops and the Agape services next weekend.  On Sunday, I met up with Sean to get more work done on my press release for the workshops.  We got a lot done and I felt great about what we accomplished.  It wasn't quite finished, but it was really close.  We didn't know when we would both be able to meet again in person, so we decided to communicate back and forth through e-mail until we got it done.

Monday was weigh-in day.  I found out that I was down to 224 lbs, which is a loss of 9 lbs.  Yay!  I'm well on my way to my goal.  If things continue as they are now, I should be able to surpass my goal which would be wonderful!  Sheri came over on Monday morning and worked me out!!  It was great.  We worked on my upper and lower abs, thighs and arms.  I am really looking forward to when my body gets back to the level of strength I had when we were working out before because I can really feel the difference.  Now that I have completed the first 30 days, I'll post another picture.  (I promise to use a better one this time Dee!)

Tuesday was primarily a work day.  I did get some great advise on my nutrition business.  I had a phone meeting and we went over some strategies that really helped me to get things moving.  I am very excited about how quickly this business is growing.

Wednesday I worked out with Sheri again.  This time it was even more difficult than Monday!  She worked my butt for real!  I am glad that she is pushing me hard because I am really ready to get back to my healthy size and strength.  She is such a great trainer.  If anyone is looking for one, hit me up and I'll connect you with her.  In the evening I attended an event for my nutrition business and it was very inspiring and motivating as usual.  It is so nice to be working with such talented, dynamic, service-oriented people.

I was also totally excited to see my girl Dawnee!  I missed you so much girl!  I am glad that you have decided to get involved because that means we'll get to hang out more regularly.  I been needing your energy!  And her sister Aziza was there who happens to be pregnant (congratulations girl!) and I got to give the baby a little blessing rub.

Yesterday (Thursday), My-Key finished the drawing for my t-shirts.  I loved it so much that I decided to use it for the flyer for the workshops.  (I'll be posting that right after this one)  She did an incredible job!  Wait till you see it!  She is so talented.  If anyone is looking for a great artist to develop your designs, check her out.  Thank you so much, My-Key for contributing such incredible work to my business!

Last night, I went to meet with my very talented friend Jami Lula who performs at a lot of Unity churches and Center for Spiritual Living churches.  I contacted him and let him know that I was looking to expand my network of contacts so that I can start performing and doing workshops in various spiritual places.  He was happy to help me.  So, I went to his house and he fed me dinner (bless you Jami) and we had great conversation.  Afterward, we went into his office and he gave me the contact information for at least 30 different churches that he works with!  He is also sending me a letter of recommendation so that I will have something to work with when I contact them.  I am so thankful for his help.  Jami, you are a God send!  I love you!

All in all, it has been a very busy and productive week.  I am so happy that I have been able to keep my stamina together and get the work done!  Next week will be even busier, so it will be very important that I keep my diet straight and find ways to rest.  Looking forward to posting all the good news in the making!

Gratitude:  I am extremely grateful to wonderful friends who are willing to help me get my business together.  Everything is moving so fast and is done at such a high level of professionalism!  I am so happy!  Thank you all.  You are such a blessing!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Boom Time Day 26 (3/6/10)

I had a nice, relaxing day today.  Originally, I had planned to go to Calabasas to do a voice lesson and then, possibly go visit my relatives out there.  However, the person I had scheduled with, forgot that we were doing the lesson and wasn't at home.  So, we have to reschedule.  She was on the soccer field watching her children at the time, so that wasn't the time to handle it.  I will see her on Wednesday and maybe we can work it out then. 

Anyway, that one change shifted my entire day and I ended up with lots of free time that I didn't expect.  I handled some basic errands and then went to the library to do a few things online.  The internet was rediculously slow, so I went home to see if I could log onto my friend's internet service.  Unfortunately, the signal strength was too low to do anything even though she just lives across the street.  So, I made a lot of phone calls for my business and left a lot of messages.

I was excited to have some time to go grocery shopping because we were getting low on food in the house and I wanted to stock up on healthy foods to support me in my weight goal.  I have been wanting a lot of salad recently.  I think my daughter and roommate are starting to get sick of it.  I'm not giving in to them, though.  We've all got to do better with our diets.  I took my daughter with me to the store and was able to get a lot of great food for a fairly decent price.  I even was able to get my daughter some little "goodies" which I usually wouldn't do because money had been tight for so long.  I felt great to have the cash to get what I needed and more. 

We decided to rent some movies and stay home for the evening.  I was really enjoying the idea of keeping my schedule simple.  I've got lots of days to keep busy.  Plus, it is really important to me that I keep time in my schedule to be with my baby girl.  We've been through so much together in the last year-and-a-half and I want her to know that she is still my priority even while I'm building this great momentum in my life.  We rented 3 movies.  My daughter picked "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (a bit disappointing) and I got "X Men Origins" and "Angels and Demons".  I really enjoyed those two movies.  We were going to get popcorn until I read the labels and was shocked!  I picked up a box of Orville Redenbacher's popcorn that said "organic" and "50% less fat".  I discovered that there were 2.5 servings in each bag and each serving had 40 calories of fat!  This is supposed to be the healthy stuff!?! Just out of curiosity, I looked at the regular movie butter popcorn and saw that they had 3 servings and each serving had 90 fat calories.  Can you believe it?  A person who eats a bag of that popcorn by themselves (which I have done before) is actually eating 270 calories of fat!!  That made me never want to get any microwave popcorn again. 

So, people, the moral of the story.... Read the labels!  Don't go by what they say on the box.  Sure, the Orville Redenbacher popcorn was better than the movie butter kind, but it was far from healthy.  It's too easy to get caught up in the words they feature on the front (which is why they do it).  Organic and half-the-fat sounded good at first glance, but once I read the label I saw an entirely different picture.  Fat is fat!  Organic or not, that popcorn would have been a bad idea.  Instead, I got some pretzels (0 fat) and managed my portions so that I didn't eat too many empty calories. 

For those of you working on your weight, reading the labels will help you to make sensible choices.  There is nothing wrong with having a few snacks as long as they are healthy, kept in moderation and are part of a healthy diet in general.  Stay committed to the goal that you set for yourself.  There is a lot more joy in feeling healthy and energetic than there is in eating comfort foods. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful for quality time with my beautiful daughter.  It is so wonderful to see her smiling and happy after such a long time of great difficulties.  God has really taken care of us....and I must say, we didn't do too bad ourselves either.  Thanks to faith, taking personal action and having lots of support from family and close friends, we have come a long way!  And that, is something to be thankful for.


Boom Time Day 25 (3/5/10)

I learned a very valuable lesson today.  I went to my father's studio to hang out for the evening.  It had been a fairly calm day and I was in one of those bummy moods where I just felt like being comfortable and relaxing.  So, I put on a sweatsuit and went out to the studio. As I was in the elevator going up to the floor where his studio is, I noticed myself in the mirror.  I looked at my hair, which I hadn't touched up in a while and I saw that my outfit made me look heavier and a bit raggedy.  Overall, the picture was unflattering to say the least.  I said to myself, "Wow, I look pretty bad".  Then I thought, "It's no big deal, I'm just going around people I know and love".  Well, that shifted up real quick.  As I was walking down the hallway to the studio, a well-known recording artist walked past me.  We acknowledged each other as he passed by, but that was all.  Then, I went inside and a producer that I haven't seen in at least 5 years was there.  He also had another man with him.  I'm not sure what that guy's profession was, though.  Anyway, it was great to see them, but I was thinking, "Why did they have to be here on a day when I look a mess?" 

Later, a few members of this great gospel group called "Reign of Soul" came by.  These were also friends that I hadn't seen in at least 10 years.  I was so happy to see them and yet, was reminded again in my mind about my interesting appearance.  However, I did have great conversation with one of them named Rebecca.  We talked about everything from spirituality to music and children.  It was so great to see them again and get caught up.  They have a daughter who is the same age as my Ana, so hopefully we can get them together sometime soon.  I told Rebecca that I really want to stay connected.  I think we both can help each other in terms of music and life in general.  She has such a great spirit!!

After I left the studio, I was thinking about how I felt about my appearance.  The main reason that it bothered me to see all those people on an unflattering day is that I didn't even feel right talking about the work that I am doing right now because I didn't physically respresent what I am speaking about.  At least not in an obvious way.  While I felt comfortable in my clothing and I feel great about who I am, I realize that other people build a perspective of you based on what they see.  So, looking the way I did, represented something different than I want to put out there.  I see now that I am a walking representative of my product and I want to represent my business and product well. 

This doesn't mean that I need to get all caught up in the fashion game and develop low self-esteem as advertisers would like me to do.  I just want to pay attention to my appearance before I go out of the house so that my appearance is more in alignment with what is going on in my mind and in my life.  I was happy to note that I didn't let my appearance get in the way of my ability to connect with everyone there.  I had great conversations and was very much in my comfort zone.  I didn't beat myself up as I have had a tendency to do in the past.  I simply noticed the lesson and moved on.  That was quite a confirming experience. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful for life's little lessons that turn out to be big ones.  Recognizing how much my image affects me and my businesses is immensely valuable.  From now on, I will be more conscious of having my appearance be in alignment with the work I am doing.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Boom Time Day 24 (3/4/10)

Today was an excellent day!  I got up feeling great and ready for the day.  I did my morning routine and then took my daughter to school.  While I was there, I handled some business items and got ready for my classes at Full Circle Learning.  They all went quite well.  Ever since I started centering myself in the morning before starting my business day, I have felt much more calm and my classes have been great.  Those are the kinds of things we often overlook.  We think we need more time, money, medicine or something, but really, what we need is to take care of ourselves first so that we have more to give to others.  That was a difficult concept for me to grasp because I am a single mother of two and I would always think of everyone else before me. Now, I fiercely protect my personal time in the mornings.  I know that I feel much more powerful and connected throughout the day when I start it out right.

After work, I went to visit my dear friend Niki, who is a Reiki healer.  She has offered to do treatments on me for at least two years and somehow I never made the time to take advantage of it.  Once I made my recent shifts, I knew it was time to reach out to her.  She was single-handedly handling the details of the concert I did last Sunday, so we weren't prepared to meet until it was over.  4 days later, I was laying on her table and having a wonderful experience.  She let me know that there is a lot of work to be done on my digestive system.  This has long been a challenge for me and I am ready to let it go.  I have decided to pick up some Aloe to help work this out. (No pun intended.  LOL!)  I'm hoping that everything comes out ok and that I will have a moving experience (pun intended).  Sorry.  I had to do it.

Anyway, Niki also gave me a CD of her music, which I was very happy to receive.  She wrote one of the songs that was performed in the concert and it was so beautiful!  I was surprised to discover that she wrote it when she was 15 and arranged it when she was 16.  What a talent!  Niki is such a beautiful spirit and she truly is one of my favorite people.  I am so thankful to know her.

After my session with Niki, I went home and met up with Sean.  We worked on my press release for the workshops coming up.  It is a tedious and rewarding process.  Every administrative task like this helps to focus my vision even more.  The more work that I do, the more I see the value beyond the obvious.  I am so happy to have help from detail-oriented, analytical, business minds.  It makes a huge difference!  Sean is sending me the notes from tonight's meeting sometime tomorrow and then we will meet up again on Sunday so that we can hopefully finish up the press release.  Since the workshops are coming up with a quickness, we are really pushing to get this done.  Soon, I will be posting the workshop flyer and press release for your information and comment.  Keep your eyes open for it.

I am so curious to see how everything turns out.  Even though I am creating this all from my own vision, I am clear that God has his hand in the mix and things are very likely to turn out different (and better) than I expected.  I am always amazed at how much more I receive than I expect.  God is so good!

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the blessings of God that surround me even when I am so caught up in the world that I don't notice them. So happy to live in the light of God.


Boom Time Day 23 (3/3/10)

This morning was a lot more hectic than usual.  I finally had my first session with my trainer, Sheri.  We were scheduled for 9:30, but ended up meeting closer to 10:30.  The owner of the house I live in was scheduled to come at 10:00 to do the inspection of the house.  So, I had a few things going on at once.  After the owner left, it was easier to focus on my workout session.  I was so determined to get that session in that I made things difficult on myself by scheduling too many things at once.  However, it worked out fine and, thankfully, Sheri was patient and had the time.  We had a great conversation while I was training. It was good to catch up after such a long time.  The workout was really good.  We concentrated on my arms, abs and legs.  I could definitely tell that it had been a long time since I have worked my muscles that hard.  Sheri said that muscle memory would kick in from the work we did last year and that it wouldn't take long to get back to the strength that I had at that time.  That was very encouraging.  Even though it was difficult, I was so happy to be taking the next step in working on my weight goal.

In the afternoon, I went to teach at Wilder's again.  Many of the kids were very happy to see me and that is such a nice feeling.  Over and over again I am reminded of how blessed I am to be doing what I love to do!   Unfortunately, that is an uncommon thing these days.  I hope, through my work, to inspire more people to live their dreams; manifest their passion; use their unique gifts to contribute to the progress of the world.  I think that is one of the major elements that is missing in the world, causing progress to be stunted.

In the evening, I went to the weekly meeting for the nutrition business I am involved in.  My friend Ayanna, who has been a great source of inspiration and a wonderful sounding board, came to the meeting and I was able to connect her to a successful person in the film industry.  I had been praying and it came to me to connect them, so I listened to my intuition and invited her to meet him.  I hope that the connection will be fruitful for them both.  She is a very talented person with great ideas and I'd love to see her vision become manifest.  I told her that we need to take some time to connect and figure out how we can help each other.  One of the things I am really working on employing while reaching my goals is creating a team.  Things are moving so fast these days that it is necessary to have several people working together in order to be able to keep the pace flowing.  Whenever I get caught up in doing too much by myself, I wear myself out and get stagnated.  This time, I am sidestepping that habit and creating a dynamic team around me.  That one shift has helped to create a huge difference in my results.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for intuition.  I am realizing more and more how much I rely on my intuition.  I have been helped through a lot of difficult situations by listening to my inner voice.  What a great gift!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Boom Time Day 22 (3/2/10)

Today was a fairly mild day.  It was the first day of the Baha'i fasting period.  For 19 days we don't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.  Because I knew that I have specific supplements to take each day, I knew I needed to create a new schedule for myself for this time period.  It was also important to me that I continue with my morning routine each day.  So, I got up at 5:30 so that I could accomplish everything in time to get my day started properly.  I had a 6:30 check-in with Rhetah (my mentor) so I wanted to get most of my eating and praying done prior to that.  It is so nice to be able to get up early and actually have energy.  This is still a fairly new thing for me and it continues to amaze me!

After my meeting with Rhetah, which was very helpful by the way, I went to Full Circle Learning Elementary school to prepare for the day's classes.  I was so happy that my classes went quite well.  There were a couple of small incidences (2 students had to be pulled out of one of the classes due to inappropriate behavior), but I was able to remain calm and they were handled quickly.  The rest of the students were able to work quite well and they got through a lot of information.  It is always wonderful when I feel like I am accomplishing a lot in my classes.

After work, I came home and started preparing my house for the inspection that the owner does every 3 months.  I had gotten the carpet cleaned earlier and they did a good job.  So, I just needed to handle basic things like the kitchen and bathroom.  I made a nice chicken and vegetable stir-fry for dinner and then watched a movie with my daughter.  It is important to me that I create quality time opportunities for my daughter and I because I want her to know that she is important to me while I am continuing on my path of growth.  We watched "Cheaper By the Dozen" which made me grateful that I only have 2 children.  We had a nice time together.

After we had our time, I sent my daughter off to bed and then did some more cleaning.  I knew that I was going to be getting up early in the morning and then having a long day and it was important to get rest.  So, I went to bed early to set myself up to have a good, functioning day.  A mild and very pleasant day.

Gratitude:  I am grateful for my beautiful daughter who, one day, will recognize how special
God created her to be.  She truly is a blessing in my life!


Boom Time Day 21 (3/1/10)

Monday was my day off from teaching, so I used the time to recuperate from the weekend and handle some personal errands.  My daughter hadn’t been feeling well, so I kept her home from school.  It turned out to be a good choice because she was back to her normal self by the time the evening came.  She went with me to the Bank and to Starbucks so that we could use the internet service there.  While we were at Starbucks, a lady and her daughter (about my daughter’s age) came in and sat at the table next to us.  After a few minutes we started hearing familiar song coming from their computer.  It turned out that the girl had just been given the part of Sarah in the musical “Guys and Dolls”.  Last year I worked with Washington Prep High School’s rendition of the musical.  It was a lot of fun.  I told them about my experience with the musical at Washington Prep and the daughter suggested that I come up to her school to meet the director and other teachers involved.  This week is quite hectic, so maybe next week will work out better. 

In the morning, I did my weigh-in and was happy to see that I have lost a total of 8lbs since I started this program.  It is good to see that my work is paying off.  I know that I haven’t worked out as much as I had planned since I was unable to get connected with Sheri.  So, dropping 8 lbs is very nice.  Now I’m curious about next week.

In the evening, I came home and had a conference call for the nutrition business.  After that, I made a few calls to connect with old friends, acquaintances and clients.  My friend and previous vocal student called me back and we had a great talk.  We decided to get together on Sunday and chat some more.  Also, she’s having a Taboo party at her house in a few weeks.  She is sending the information to me via mail.  I’m exited about reconnecting with her.  She is a great woman and she also has a lot of business experience.  We may be able to help each other out. 

I also got a chance to hang out with my friend (and ex-roommate) Leena.  She was on her way over to my house in order to participate in the study group we host on Monday nights.  Unfortunately, there was a meeting going on at the Baha’I Center, so the study group had gotten cancelled, but Leena didn’t know.  So, she ended up coming over and hanging out until nearly midnight.  We  haven’t had much time to hang out since she moved out of the house, so it was nice to visit with her. 

All-in-all, I had a nice, relaxing day, which was very well needed after such a fun and hectic weekend. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful that much of my schedule is my own, so I can build the ways that I want to.  It is a wonderful feeling to be in charge of my days and know that I am doing what I love to do while being profitable as well.  I am very blessed.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Boom Time Day 20 (2/28/10)

This was an extraordinary day!  I spent the entire day in rehearsals for the evening concert.  Everyone involved in the concert was so fun and so talented!  I was in heaven.  On Saturday, Tom Price asked me if I knew anyone who could play the tambourine, so I brought my roommate My-Key with me on Sunday.  She started out playing percussion and then, the drummer (who was really a percussionist) started playing and he was struggling a bit.  My-Key went over to help him and the next thing we knew, he was playing percussion and she was on the drums!  It actually worked out quite well.  Both of them were well suited for where they ended up. 

Anyway, at one point, I was sitting next to one of Tom's daughters'.  She was singing in the alto section with me, so I was hearing her voice the whole time.  Then, all of a sudden she started to sing the song that she was planning to do in the concert and my head whipped in her direction so fast!  She had the most amazing and unique tone!  It was beautiful and totally unexpected.  She had been using her choir voice in order to blend in earlier, so I had no preparation for her solo voice.  I am definitely a fan of Rachel Price.  I will be calling her in a day or two and she will be letting me know how to find youtube videos of her and her band.  Once I have them, I will definitely share them with you.  She is amazingly talented. 

The wonderful thing about the concert was that everyone was incredible at what they do!  It was so nice to be in such a talented group.  Another highlight was when Ayanna Williams sang.  She is 18 years old and I know she will be blowing up soon!  She sang Amazing Grace with her mom (who is crazy talented her self) and blew it up!  I spoke with Tom Price and he will be getting me a copy of the video footage.  As soon as I get it into my hands, I'll post it for you all to experience.  Thank you to all of my friends that came to the event. I know that you all enjoyed yourselves thoroughly.

I am so happy to have been able to participate in this event!  I had a great time and made a lot of new friends and contacts. We made plans to connect up again in the near future.  I may be going to Atlanta to visit one of the incredible performers named Ava, who is a famous Persian singer.  We talked about doing a choir workshop with the singers out there.  That would be so great!  I'm looking forward to staying connected and building stronger relationships with all the wonderful spirits that participated this weekend. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful for being surrounded by good music and talented, inspiring people. I feel blessed beyond belief!  Good music and blessings to you all!!

Boom Time Day 19 (2/27/10)

Saturday was an extremely busy and eventful day.  I started the day with a training for the nutrition business.  It was very helpful and informative.  That helped me to get my plans in order and be able to move forward with clear direction.  Since my recent experiences have shown how powerful clear direction can be, I am very grateful to Rhetah and Kimmer for helping me get there.  At the end of the session, Rhetah mentioned that she would love to hear me sing the next time she comes down to LA (she's from Portland).  I decided that we should just end our training session with a prayer.  My-Key and I sang an arrangement that I did to one of the Baha'i prayers.  When we finished, I looked up and there were tears streaming down Rhetah's face!  The feeling in the room was so strong that it was difficult for all of us to bring ourselves back to the world.  I said to Rhetah, "That is what I want to do with my clients".  And she totally got it.  Now she understands more clearly about the work that I am doing with my workshops and private sessions.  Free expression of the voice is one of the most powerful healing tools that I have come across.  It was great to receive that confirmation and the support of a celebrated life coach.

After the training, I went straight back to LA to prepare for my rehearsal for the concert.  It was so great to get to know the people participating in the event.  I had heard many of their names and had seen some of  them perform, but I had only worked with three of them.  As we went through the rehearsal, I was impressed with the level of talent that was being expressed.  It felt great to be a part of this group of amazing vocalists.  Most of the people there had a great sense of humor so we had a great time!  By the time the rehearsal was over, I was really looking forward to the next day. 

In the evening, I came home and handled a few things before heading off to an event put on by some of the Baha'is.  The event is called Pena and it is held the last Saturday of every month.  There is food, Latin music and great people.  I had forgotten about it for the last several months, so I was determined to go this time.  I was so happy that I went because I ran into several of my good friends that I had lost contact with.  It was great to see them.  And I haven't danced like that in such a long time!  That's one of the loves of my life that I don't get to do often.  I am thankful that I had that opportunity. 

I got home around midnight and got some rest so that I could be prepared for my exciting day on Sunday.  This definitely was a wonderful day and I am looking forward to experiencing more days like this as I continue on my journey.

Gratitude:  I am grateful for dancing!  How I love to tap into the music and feel it throughout my body.  I haven't danced regularly since I was a teenager and I have missed that feeling so much.  I intend to include opportunities to dance into my schedule much more often.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Boom Time Day 18 (2/26/10)

I spent most of the morning and early afternoon handling various errands. There were a lot of things that needed to be taken care of.  I knew that I had a busy weekend coming up and I didn’t want to overstress myself, so I moved my class at the Full Circle Middle School to Wednesday of next week. It was nice to have a day to get things handled.

While I was out, my roommate, My-Key was at the house doing the yard sale and working on a design for the Healing Song t-shirts.  What she came up with was incredible.  It’s looking like there may be 3 or 4 different designs for people to choose from. Martine sent me another great idea for a t-shirt a couple of days ago.  I’m really excited to see this whole thing coming together. 

In the evening, I had my meeting with Sean.  We spent a bit of time reconnecting which was really nice.  We hadn’t seen each other in quite a while.  Then we got to work on a mission statement.  This is what we came up with so far:

My mission is to heal the world, one voice at a time by inspiring individuals to recognize and use their unique gifts for the betterment of the world.

I think that we need one more sentence that explains how this inspiration gets accomplished, but it’s a good start.  

Action Item! -  I would love to hear your feedback.  What does the mission statement say to you?  Does it peak your interest?  Do you think it needs something more?  All comments and criticisms are welcome!

We also spent some time working on the three bullet points that explain what people will get out of my workshops.  It is amazing to me how difficult this assignment has been!  I am looking to find a way to put a very intuitive and esoteric process into simple, relatable terms.  It seems a lot easier than it has been.  Maybe I need to take some time to meditate on it. 

Action Item! -  For all of my current or previous voice students - you could help me immensely by writing a testimonial of what you have gotten out of working with me one-on-one or through the vocal workshops.  Your testimonials will be placed on the website once I get it up and running.  Also, they will help me to identify key words that may be used for my press releases, flyers etc.

Sean also showed me some useful tools related to time management.  He went over the Franklin-Covey system, which was very interesting.  It had a dimension of goal setting and visioning that was very helpful.  I would recommend looking into it because using their system will help you identify what your core values are; show you how to use those core values to create your vision; and then create goals that are in alignment with that vision.  I really liked the tool.  

Overall, this was another great day.  I continue to be excited at the wonderful progress being made each day.  Progress is built with a lot of small stepping-stones.  All it takes is consistency, clear vision and faith.  I have heard this many times before and I understood it intellectually.  However, there is a big difference between grasping something with your mind and living it.  I am grateful for living my vision now.

Gratitude:  I am so grateful for developing discipline.  I have wanted to be more organized and consistent for many years.  Now that I am manifesting my vision through the use of these skills, I understand the value of balancing my big-vision, creative side with systematic, planned and disciplined efforts.  Yay!!!


Boom Time Missing Posts

Hey everyone!

I had a crazy busy weekend, so I am catching up now on all of my writing.  I have a lot to share with you about my amazing weekend.  The blog post for Friday will be up in a few minutes and the rest will be posted by tomorrow afternoon.
