Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Boom Time Day 20 (2/28/10)

This was an extraordinary day!  I spent the entire day in rehearsals for the evening concert.  Everyone involved in the concert was so fun and so talented!  I was in heaven.  On Saturday, Tom Price asked me if I knew anyone who could play the tambourine, so I brought my roommate My-Key with me on Sunday.  She started out playing percussion and then, the drummer (who was really a percussionist) started playing and he was struggling a bit.  My-Key went over to help him and the next thing we knew, he was playing percussion and she was on the drums!  It actually worked out quite well.  Both of them were well suited for where they ended up. 

Anyway, at one point, I was sitting next to one of Tom's daughters'.  She was singing in the alto section with me, so I was hearing her voice the whole time.  Then, all of a sudden she started to sing the song that she was planning to do in the concert and my head whipped in her direction so fast!  She had the most amazing and unique tone!  It was beautiful and totally unexpected.  She had been using her choir voice in order to blend in earlier, so I had no preparation for her solo voice.  I am definitely a fan of Rachel Price.  I will be calling her in a day or two and she will be letting me know how to find youtube videos of her and her band.  Once I have them, I will definitely share them with you.  She is amazingly talented. 

The wonderful thing about the concert was that everyone was incredible at what they do!  It was so nice to be in such a talented group.  Another highlight was when Ayanna Williams sang.  She is 18 years old and I know she will be blowing up soon!  She sang Amazing Grace with her mom (who is crazy talented her self) and blew it up!  I spoke with Tom Price and he will be getting me a copy of the video footage.  As soon as I get it into my hands, I'll post it for you all to experience.  Thank you to all of my friends that came to the event. I know that you all enjoyed yourselves thoroughly.

I am so happy to have been able to participate in this event!  I had a great time and made a lot of new friends and contacts. We made plans to connect up again in the near future.  I may be going to Atlanta to visit one of the incredible performers named Ava, who is a famous Persian singer.  We talked about doing a choir workshop with the singers out there.  That would be so great!  I'm looking forward to staying connected and building stronger relationships with all the wonderful spirits that participated this weekend. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful for being surrounded by good music and talented, inspiring people. I feel blessed beyond belief!  Good music and blessings to you all!!

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