Friday, March 5, 2010

Boom Time Day 23 (3/3/10)

This morning was a lot more hectic than usual.  I finally had my first session with my trainer, Sheri.  We were scheduled for 9:30, but ended up meeting closer to 10:30.  The owner of the house I live in was scheduled to come at 10:00 to do the inspection of the house.  So, I had a few things going on at once.  After the owner left, it was easier to focus on my workout session.  I was so determined to get that session in that I made things difficult on myself by scheduling too many things at once.  However, it worked out fine and, thankfully, Sheri was patient and had the time.  We had a great conversation while I was training. It was good to catch up after such a long time.  The workout was really good.  We concentrated on my arms, abs and legs.  I could definitely tell that it had been a long time since I have worked my muscles that hard.  Sheri said that muscle memory would kick in from the work we did last year and that it wouldn't take long to get back to the strength that I had at that time.  That was very encouraging.  Even though it was difficult, I was so happy to be taking the next step in working on my weight goal.

In the afternoon, I went to teach at Wilder's again.  Many of the kids were very happy to see me and that is such a nice feeling.  Over and over again I am reminded of how blessed I am to be doing what I love to do!   Unfortunately, that is an uncommon thing these days.  I hope, through my work, to inspire more people to live their dreams; manifest their passion; use their unique gifts to contribute to the progress of the world.  I think that is one of the major elements that is missing in the world, causing progress to be stunted.

In the evening, I went to the weekly meeting for the nutrition business I am involved in.  My friend Ayanna, who has been a great source of inspiration and a wonderful sounding board, came to the meeting and I was able to connect her to a successful person in the film industry.  I had been praying and it came to me to connect them, so I listened to my intuition and invited her to meet him.  I hope that the connection will be fruitful for them both.  She is a very talented person with great ideas and I'd love to see her vision become manifest.  I told her that we need to take some time to connect and figure out how we can help each other.  One of the things I am really working on employing while reaching my goals is creating a team.  Things are moving so fast these days that it is necessary to have several people working together in order to be able to keep the pace flowing.  Whenever I get caught up in doing too much by myself, I wear myself out and get stagnated.  This time, I am sidestepping that habit and creating a dynamic team around me.  That one shift has helped to create a huge difference in my results.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for intuition.  I am realizing more and more how much I rely on my intuition.  I have been helped through a lot of difficult situations by listening to my inner voice.  What a great gift!


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