Monday, March 8, 2010

Boom Time Day 25 (3/5/10)

I learned a very valuable lesson today.  I went to my father's studio to hang out for the evening.  It had been a fairly calm day and I was in one of those bummy moods where I just felt like being comfortable and relaxing.  So, I put on a sweatsuit and went out to the studio. As I was in the elevator going up to the floor where his studio is, I noticed myself in the mirror.  I looked at my hair, which I hadn't touched up in a while and I saw that my outfit made me look heavier and a bit raggedy.  Overall, the picture was unflattering to say the least.  I said to myself, "Wow, I look pretty bad".  Then I thought, "It's no big deal, I'm just going around people I know and love".  Well, that shifted up real quick.  As I was walking down the hallway to the studio, a well-known recording artist walked past me.  We acknowledged each other as he passed by, but that was all.  Then, I went inside and a producer that I haven't seen in at least 5 years was there.  He also had another man with him.  I'm not sure what that guy's profession was, though.  Anyway, it was great to see them, but I was thinking, "Why did they have to be here on a day when I look a mess?" 

Later, a few members of this great gospel group called "Reign of Soul" came by.  These were also friends that I hadn't seen in at least 10 years.  I was so happy to see them and yet, was reminded again in my mind about my interesting appearance.  However, I did have great conversation with one of them named Rebecca.  We talked about everything from spirituality to music and children.  It was so great to see them again and get caught up.  They have a daughter who is the same age as my Ana, so hopefully we can get them together sometime soon.  I told Rebecca that I really want to stay connected.  I think we both can help each other in terms of music and life in general.  She has such a great spirit!!

After I left the studio, I was thinking about how I felt about my appearance.  The main reason that it bothered me to see all those people on an unflattering day is that I didn't even feel right talking about the work that I am doing right now because I didn't physically respresent what I am speaking about.  At least not in an obvious way.  While I felt comfortable in my clothing and I feel great about who I am, I realize that other people build a perspective of you based on what they see.  So, looking the way I did, represented something different than I want to put out there.  I see now that I am a walking representative of my product and I want to represent my business and product well. 

This doesn't mean that I need to get all caught up in the fashion game and develop low self-esteem as advertisers would like me to do.  I just want to pay attention to my appearance before I go out of the house so that my appearance is more in alignment with what is going on in my mind and in my life.  I was happy to note that I didn't let my appearance get in the way of my ability to connect with everyone there.  I had great conversations and was very much in my comfort zone.  I didn't beat myself up as I have had a tendency to do in the past.  I simply noticed the lesson and moved on.  That was quite a confirming experience. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful for life's little lessons that turn out to be big ones.  Recognizing how much my image affects me and my businesses is immensely valuable.  From now on, I will be more conscious of having my appearance be in alignment with the work I am doing.

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