Monday, March 1, 2010

Boom Time Day 18 (2/26/10)

I spent most of the morning and early afternoon handling various errands. There were a lot of things that needed to be taken care of.  I knew that I had a busy weekend coming up and I didn’t want to overstress myself, so I moved my class at the Full Circle Middle School to Wednesday of next week. It was nice to have a day to get things handled.

While I was out, my roommate, My-Key was at the house doing the yard sale and working on a design for the Healing Song t-shirts.  What she came up with was incredible.  It’s looking like there may be 3 or 4 different designs for people to choose from. Martine sent me another great idea for a t-shirt a couple of days ago.  I’m really excited to see this whole thing coming together. 

In the evening, I had my meeting with Sean.  We spent a bit of time reconnecting which was really nice.  We hadn’t seen each other in quite a while.  Then we got to work on a mission statement.  This is what we came up with so far:

My mission is to heal the world, one voice at a time by inspiring individuals to recognize and use their unique gifts for the betterment of the world.

I think that we need one more sentence that explains how this inspiration gets accomplished, but it’s a good start.  

Action Item! -  I would love to hear your feedback.  What does the mission statement say to you?  Does it peak your interest?  Do you think it needs something more?  All comments and criticisms are welcome!

We also spent some time working on the three bullet points that explain what people will get out of my workshops.  It is amazing to me how difficult this assignment has been!  I am looking to find a way to put a very intuitive and esoteric process into simple, relatable terms.  It seems a lot easier than it has been.  Maybe I need to take some time to meditate on it. 

Action Item! -  For all of my current or previous voice students - you could help me immensely by writing a testimonial of what you have gotten out of working with me one-on-one or through the vocal workshops.  Your testimonials will be placed on the website once I get it up and running.  Also, they will help me to identify key words that may be used for my press releases, flyers etc.

Sean also showed me some useful tools related to time management.  He went over the Franklin-Covey system, which was very interesting.  It had a dimension of goal setting and visioning that was very helpful.  I would recommend looking into it because using their system will help you identify what your core values are; show you how to use those core values to create your vision; and then create goals that are in alignment with that vision.  I really liked the tool.  

Overall, this was another great day.  I continue to be excited at the wonderful progress being made each day.  Progress is built with a lot of small stepping-stones.  All it takes is consistency, clear vision and faith.  I have heard this many times before and I understood it intellectually.  However, there is a big difference between grasping something with your mind and living it.  I am grateful for living my vision now.

Gratitude:  I am so grateful for developing discipline.  I have wanted to be more organized and consistent for many years.  Now that I am manifesting my vision through the use of these skills, I understand the value of balancing my big-vision, creative side with systematic, planned and disciplined efforts.  Yay!!!


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