Thursday, March 4, 2010

Boom Time Day 21 (3/1/10)

Monday was my day off from teaching, so I used the time to recuperate from the weekend and handle some personal errands.  My daughter hadn’t been feeling well, so I kept her home from school.  It turned out to be a good choice because she was back to her normal self by the time the evening came.  She went with me to the Bank and to Starbucks so that we could use the internet service there.  While we were at Starbucks, a lady and her daughter (about my daughter’s age) came in and sat at the table next to us.  After a few minutes we started hearing familiar song coming from their computer.  It turned out that the girl had just been given the part of Sarah in the musical “Guys and Dolls”.  Last year I worked with Washington Prep High School’s rendition of the musical.  It was a lot of fun.  I told them about my experience with the musical at Washington Prep and the daughter suggested that I come up to her school to meet the director and other teachers involved.  This week is quite hectic, so maybe next week will work out better. 

In the morning, I did my weigh-in and was happy to see that I have lost a total of 8lbs since I started this program.  It is good to see that my work is paying off.  I know that I haven’t worked out as much as I had planned since I was unable to get connected with Sheri.  So, dropping 8 lbs is very nice.  Now I’m curious about next week.

In the evening, I came home and had a conference call for the nutrition business.  After that, I made a few calls to connect with old friends, acquaintances and clients.  My friend and previous vocal student called me back and we had a great talk.  We decided to get together on Sunday and chat some more.  Also, she’s having a Taboo party at her house in a few weeks.  She is sending the information to me via mail.  I’m exited about reconnecting with her.  She is a great woman and she also has a lot of business experience.  We may be able to help each other out. 

I also got a chance to hang out with my friend (and ex-roommate) Leena.  She was on her way over to my house in order to participate in the study group we host on Monday nights.  Unfortunately, there was a meeting going on at the Baha’I Center, so the study group had gotten cancelled, but Leena didn’t know.  So, she ended up coming over and hanging out until nearly midnight.  We  haven’t had much time to hang out since she moved out of the house, so it was nice to visit with her. 

All-in-all, I had a nice, relaxing day, which was very well needed after such a fun and hectic weekend. 

Gratitude:  I am grateful that much of my schedule is my own, so I can build the ways that I want to.  It is a wonderful feeling to be in charge of my days and know that I am doing what I love to do while being profitable as well.  I am very blessed.


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