Thursday, March 4, 2010

Boom Time Day 22 (3/2/10)

Today was a fairly mild day.  It was the first day of the Baha'i fasting period.  For 19 days we don't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.  Because I knew that I have specific supplements to take each day, I knew I needed to create a new schedule for myself for this time period.  It was also important to me that I continue with my morning routine each day.  So, I got up at 5:30 so that I could accomplish everything in time to get my day started properly.  I had a 6:30 check-in with Rhetah (my mentor) so I wanted to get most of my eating and praying done prior to that.  It is so nice to be able to get up early and actually have energy.  This is still a fairly new thing for me and it continues to amaze me!

After my meeting with Rhetah, which was very helpful by the way, I went to Full Circle Learning Elementary school to prepare for the day's classes.  I was so happy that my classes went quite well.  There were a couple of small incidences (2 students had to be pulled out of one of the classes due to inappropriate behavior), but I was able to remain calm and they were handled quickly.  The rest of the students were able to work quite well and they got through a lot of information.  It is always wonderful when I feel like I am accomplishing a lot in my classes.

After work, I came home and started preparing my house for the inspection that the owner does every 3 months.  I had gotten the carpet cleaned earlier and they did a good job.  So, I just needed to handle basic things like the kitchen and bathroom.  I made a nice chicken and vegetable stir-fry for dinner and then watched a movie with my daughter.  It is important to me that I create quality time opportunities for my daughter and I because I want her to know that she is important to me while I am continuing on my path of growth.  We watched "Cheaper By the Dozen" which made me grateful that I only have 2 children.  We had a nice time together.

After we had our time, I sent my daughter off to bed and then did some more cleaning.  I knew that I was going to be getting up early in the morning and then having a long day and it was important to get rest.  So, I went to bed early to set myself up to have a good, functioning day.  A mild and very pleasant day.

Gratitude:  I am grateful for my beautiful daughter who, one day, will recognize how special
God created her to be.  She truly is a blessing in my life!


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