Friday, March 12, 2010

Boom Time Days 27 - 31 (3/6/10 - 3/11/10)

It is a good thing that I had a relaxed day on Saturday because this week has been a whirlwind and I expect the next one to be even busier.  I have been hard at work getting ready for my workshops and the Agape services next weekend.  On Sunday, I met up with Sean to get more work done on my press release for the workshops.  We got a lot done and I felt great about what we accomplished.  It wasn't quite finished, but it was really close.  We didn't know when we would both be able to meet again in person, so we decided to communicate back and forth through e-mail until we got it done.

Monday was weigh-in day.  I found out that I was down to 224 lbs, which is a loss of 9 lbs.  Yay!  I'm well on my way to my goal.  If things continue as they are now, I should be able to surpass my goal which would be wonderful!  Sheri came over on Monday morning and worked me out!!  It was great.  We worked on my upper and lower abs, thighs and arms.  I am really looking forward to when my body gets back to the level of strength I had when we were working out before because I can really feel the difference.  Now that I have completed the first 30 days, I'll post another picture.  (I promise to use a better one this time Dee!)

Tuesday was primarily a work day.  I did get some great advise on my nutrition business.  I had a phone meeting and we went over some strategies that really helped me to get things moving.  I am very excited about how quickly this business is growing.

Wednesday I worked out with Sheri again.  This time it was even more difficult than Monday!  She worked my butt for real!  I am glad that she is pushing me hard because I am really ready to get back to my healthy size and strength.  She is such a great trainer.  If anyone is looking for one, hit me up and I'll connect you with her.  In the evening I attended an event for my nutrition business and it was very inspiring and motivating as usual.  It is so nice to be working with such talented, dynamic, service-oriented people.

I was also totally excited to see my girl Dawnee!  I missed you so much girl!  I am glad that you have decided to get involved because that means we'll get to hang out more regularly.  I been needing your energy!  And her sister Aziza was there who happens to be pregnant (congratulations girl!) and I got to give the baby a little blessing rub.

Yesterday (Thursday), My-Key finished the drawing for my t-shirts.  I loved it so much that I decided to use it for the flyer for the workshops.  (I'll be posting that right after this one)  She did an incredible job!  Wait till you see it!  She is so talented.  If anyone is looking for a great artist to develop your designs, check her out.  Thank you so much, My-Key for contributing such incredible work to my business!

Last night, I went to meet with my very talented friend Jami Lula who performs at a lot of Unity churches and Center for Spiritual Living churches.  I contacted him and let him know that I was looking to expand my network of contacts so that I can start performing and doing workshops in various spiritual places.  He was happy to help me.  So, I went to his house and he fed me dinner (bless you Jami) and we had great conversation.  Afterward, we went into his office and he gave me the contact information for at least 30 different churches that he works with!  He is also sending me a letter of recommendation so that I will have something to work with when I contact them.  I am so thankful for his help.  Jami, you are a God send!  I love you!

All in all, it has been a very busy and productive week.  I am so happy that I have been able to keep my stamina together and get the work done!  Next week will be even busier, so it will be very important that I keep my diet straight and find ways to rest.  Looking forward to posting all the good news in the making!

Gratitude:  I am extremely grateful to wonderful friends who are willing to help me get my business together.  Everything is moving so fast and is done at such a high level of professionalism!  I am so happy!  Thank you all.  You are such a blessing!


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