Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Boom Time Day 19 (2/27/10)

Saturday was an extremely busy and eventful day.  I started the day with a training for the nutrition business.  It was very helpful and informative.  That helped me to get my plans in order and be able to move forward with clear direction.  Since my recent experiences have shown how powerful clear direction can be, I am very grateful to Rhetah and Kimmer for helping me get there.  At the end of the session, Rhetah mentioned that she would love to hear me sing the next time she comes down to LA (she's from Portland).  I decided that we should just end our training session with a prayer.  My-Key and I sang an arrangement that I did to one of the Baha'i prayers.  When we finished, I looked up and there were tears streaming down Rhetah's face!  The feeling in the room was so strong that it was difficult for all of us to bring ourselves back to the world.  I said to Rhetah, "That is what I want to do with my clients".  And she totally got it.  Now she understands more clearly about the work that I am doing with my workshops and private sessions.  Free expression of the voice is one of the most powerful healing tools that I have come across.  It was great to receive that confirmation and the support of a celebrated life coach.

After the training, I went straight back to LA to prepare for my rehearsal for the concert.  It was so great to get to know the people participating in the event.  I had heard many of their names and had seen some of  them perform, but I had only worked with three of them.  As we went through the rehearsal, I was impressed with the level of talent that was being expressed.  It felt great to be a part of this group of amazing vocalists.  Most of the people there had a great sense of humor so we had a great time!  By the time the rehearsal was over, I was really looking forward to the next day. 

In the evening, I came home and handled a few things before heading off to an event put on by some of the Baha'is.  The event is called Pena and it is held the last Saturday of every month.  There is food, Latin music and great people.  I had forgotten about it for the last several months, so I was determined to go this time.  I was so happy that I went because I ran into several of my good friends that I had lost contact with.  It was great to see them.  And I haven't danced like that in such a long time!  That's one of the loves of my life that I don't get to do often.  I am thankful that I had that opportunity. 

I got home around midnight and got some rest so that I could be prepared for my exciting day on Sunday.  This definitely was a wonderful day and I am looking forward to experiencing more days like this as I continue on my journey.

Gratitude:  I am grateful for dancing!  How I love to tap into the music and feel it throughout my body.  I haven't danced regularly since I was a teenager and I have missed that feeling so much.  I intend to include opportunities to dance into my schedule much more often.


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