Friday, March 5, 2010

Boom Time Day 24 (3/4/10)

Today was an excellent day!  I got up feeling great and ready for the day.  I did my morning routine and then took my daughter to school.  While I was there, I handled some business items and got ready for my classes at Full Circle Learning.  They all went quite well.  Ever since I started centering myself in the morning before starting my business day, I have felt much more calm and my classes have been great.  Those are the kinds of things we often overlook.  We think we need more time, money, medicine or something, but really, what we need is to take care of ourselves first so that we have more to give to others.  That was a difficult concept for me to grasp because I am a single mother of two and I would always think of everyone else before me. Now, I fiercely protect my personal time in the mornings.  I know that I feel much more powerful and connected throughout the day when I start it out right.

After work, I went to visit my dear friend Niki, who is a Reiki healer.  She has offered to do treatments on me for at least two years and somehow I never made the time to take advantage of it.  Once I made my recent shifts, I knew it was time to reach out to her.  She was single-handedly handling the details of the concert I did last Sunday, so we weren't prepared to meet until it was over.  4 days later, I was laying on her table and having a wonderful experience.  She let me know that there is a lot of work to be done on my digestive system.  This has long been a challenge for me and I am ready to let it go.  I have decided to pick up some Aloe to help work this out. (No pun intended.  LOL!)  I'm hoping that everything comes out ok and that I will have a moving experience (pun intended).  Sorry.  I had to do it.

Anyway, Niki also gave me a CD of her music, which I was very happy to receive.  She wrote one of the songs that was performed in the concert and it was so beautiful!  I was surprised to discover that she wrote it when she was 15 and arranged it when she was 16.  What a talent!  Niki is such a beautiful spirit and she truly is one of my favorite people.  I am so thankful to know her.

After my session with Niki, I went home and met up with Sean.  We worked on my press release for the workshops coming up.  It is a tedious and rewarding process.  Every administrative task like this helps to focus my vision even more.  The more work that I do, the more I see the value beyond the obvious.  I am so happy to have help from detail-oriented, analytical, business minds.  It makes a huge difference!  Sean is sending me the notes from tonight's meeting sometime tomorrow and then we will meet up again on Sunday so that we can hopefully finish up the press release.  Since the workshops are coming up with a quickness, we are really pushing to get this done.  Soon, I will be posting the workshop flyer and press release for your information and comment.  Keep your eyes open for it.

I am so curious to see how everything turns out.  Even though I am creating this all from my own vision, I am clear that God has his hand in the mix and things are very likely to turn out different (and better) than I expected.  I am always amazed at how much more I receive than I expect.  God is so good!

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the blessings of God that surround me even when I am so caught up in the world that I don't notice them. So happy to live in the light of God.



Anonymous said...

I'm really really really glad that you are taking time for you! Si hard to find that backbone for ourselves and so easy to find it for others.

I await further developments in "BOOM Time" with relish and delight!

Kristin Barnes said...

Hey Helen! Thank you so much for sharing your love and encouragement! It made my day to see your comment. I have thought about you much recently and hope to see you again sometime soon.

It does take a lot of commitment to find the time for ourselves. I finally realized that giving to myself IS giving to others. I have been able to pull together so much more to help others now that I am healther, happier, more energetic and focused. So many people will benefit and all it took was taking the time to take care of me!
