Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Boom Time Day 15 (2/23/10)

Today was an amazing day!  Even though I spent most of the day teaching at Full-Circle Learning, I got a lot accomplished.  In the morning spoke with Doctah B to confirm the vocal workshop that I had scheduled for March 14th.  He realized that there was a conflict because he will be doing a radio show on KJLH that weekend and he had 2 lectures scheduled for the  weekend.  So, we moved my workshop to March 21st.  He said that he would be willing to let me announce my workshop to the guests at his lectures on weekend of the 14th, so I can get more guests there.  Also, I mentioned that I wanted to expand the workshop beyond a one-day, four hour experience.  We decided that the best way to handle it would be to turn it into a 2-day workshop.  So, now it will be held on 2 consecutive Sundays (March 21st and March 28th) from 2-6 pm.  The 21st will be a busy day because I will be singing at Agape that morning and then heading over to Elevation to do the workshop.  It's definitely going to be an exciting weekend.

After I spoke with Doctah B, I called Dennis about the marketing and planning work he wanted to help me with.  He was ready to meet up and we scheduled a meeting for today at 7pm!  I was so happy that he was putting me on his priority list.  When we met up, he gave me some great tools to work with and a lot of food for thought.  I was so amped after meeting with him that I ended up staying up until after midnight, which I haven't been doing recently.  He gave me advise on connecting with radio shows that are in alignment with the workshops to see about having an interview or announcement on those programs.  He gave me clear, step-by-step instructions which I really needed because I have never done anything like that.  I was happy to note that the idea of calling radio shows to get an interview didn't overwhelm me.  I don't know that I would have felt as comfortable doing that before I began taking myself on so seriously.  He also made a commitment to do a e-flyer for the workshops, which will be a huge help.  I feel so blessed and supported.  Everyone around me is so wonderful.

So, here's the deal, my friends.  Everything is building and several people have asked me what they can do to support me in this process.  I am so grateful that my friends are willing to be there for me in tangible ways.  So, here are some things that you can do.

1.  Post comments on the blog:  tell me your story, write about things that inspire you on the blog, offer tools that have been useful to you

2.  Send me your e-mail address so that I can get the e-flyer to you for the workshops and keep you posted about other events I am participating in.

3.  Share this blog, the workshops, and other events that I am participating in with your friends.  An e-mail blast to all of your contacts would be amazing!

4.  Let me know if you know any spiritual groups, churches, new thought groups or other places that may want me to perform there or do a workshop.

5.  Offer suggestions of people to contact for mentorship.

Any of the above items that you can do would be immensely helpful.  I am building a community and I definitely want you to be a part of it.

Gratitude:  Today, I am grateful for you - my reader, my supporter, my friend.  Your words of encouragement and support help keep me on the path.  You are a blessing in my life and I thank you for contributing your unique gifts to me.  Love to you!  Blessings to you!

Make it a great day!


Unknown said...

Well my dear, daily I am amazed and inspired by your intense focus and determination. The clarity in which you write, and your committment to yourself and your goals.

I am grateful to be a part of your life, and to watch the blossoming as it takes place. I am also grateful for your support and the use of your "brain power" when mine in on overload!!!

Love you much,

Kristin Barnes said...

Thank you so much Martine! It feels great to know that I have finally made my well-being and goals priorities in my life. It has made all the difference and has definitely helped me to be in a better place to be there for my family as well.

You are very welcome for the brain power. I'm happy to share!

Love you!!!!