Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Boom Time Day 7

Well, I have completed a full week of focused work on my goals.  I have to say I am very pleased at the results thus far.  I am making good progress on two out of three goals.  I realized that I haven't really focused much on my goal of 3 mentors, so I will make a point to put some energy into that one during the second week.  So, at the end of the first week, I have set up my first vocal workshop at a perfect place for the work I'm doing; scheduled two performances; booked a trainer for my weight goal; reconnected with several healers and........wait for it........  I lost a total of 5 lbs!  Yay!  I haven't even started with the trainer yet, so I am very pleased with that result.  I know that the nutrition products that I have been taking are making a huge difference in that area as well as in my overall energy level and focus.  Working on mind, body and spirit simultaneously allowed me to make big changes in a short period of time.  I'm very curious to see how this next week goes!!!

An interesting thing happened today.  I was on the phone with one of my very good friends.  She and her husband (who is also my very good friend) had been out of town for a while, so they didn't really know what was going on with me.  However, I did discover that she found out about my blog from Martine who had sent an e-mail to her friends letting them know about the work that I am doing.  Thank you so much Martine for supporting me like that!!!!  You are the bomb!  Anyway, I was updating my friend about all of this and, while we were talking, her husband mentioned that he had a dream about me the night before.  Evidently he doesn't remember his dreams very often, so she felt that this was significant.  In his dream, I was working with his wife on something and he knew that it was me, but he didn't recognize me at all physically.  He also said that I was very thin.  I find it very interesting that he would have a dream like that when he had no knowledge of the work that I have been doing.  We all felt that his inability to recognize me was indicating how much I am changing in all aspects, but definitely spiritually.  This was a great message to receive in the morning.  I am so thankful that they shared that with me.

Later in the day, I had lunch with my friend Janeska.  She is building her nutrition business right now, so we decided to support each other in our work  She is going to help promote my workshop at Elevation on the 14th of March.  She may also end up doing some seminars at Elevation.  Once it all gets set up, I'll definitely let you guys know.  It was great to reconnect with her.  We didn't get a chance to go over the new technique that she wanted to show me, so we will schedule another meeting to go over that.  She did mention that the technique is called "Timeline Therapy".  I will do a bit of research on it and see what I can find out.  

In the late afternoon, I had a meeting with Martine and my friend Adesua about the nutritional products that I have been taking.  Martine is the one who introduced me to them.  Everything went very well and Adesua has decided to check them out.  She had a sampling last night and was already feeling good by the time she left.  I'm excited to see how they help her.  It was nice to get some time to connect because Adesua and I have wanted to hang out more often for a long time.  Now we are getting the opportunity to do that.  She is a very healthy person who knows a lot about nutrition and exercise, so she will be another great resource for me.  I'm looking forward to strengthening our connection.

After that meeting, I had a spiritual gathering at my home.  We do a study group at my house every Monday night.  It's always a joy and it's a great way to get the week started.  There were 7 of us studying  together and it was a really uplifting experience.  Overall, it was a wonderful day.  I am looking forward to seeing the results of the next week.  Life is a beautiful journey.

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for my good health.  I haven't felt this good in a while and I have come a long way from where I was 8 years ago.  I'll have to talk more about my experience with adrenal exhaustion.  I'll share that with you all in the next few blogs.  I look forward to continued improvement in my health.



Unknown said...

Well Darling!!! Awesome work! Wow! and it's brave to post the photos too! I love how you are "going for it!"

You are a very powerful soul, and it has been my delight to talk with you daily, to focus on our shared goals and to support each other with the work and the personal growth we are both doing in our lives. Isn't it a blessing? I certainly am grateful for it!

For me it is exciting to find joy and excitement in what could be perceived as the mundane activities of life! A vibrant spirit gives life to whatever we do and you are modeling that for me!

Blessings for another beautiful and focused day!

Kristin Barnes said...

Thanks Martine! I am definitely "going for it". That is what Boom Time is all about. When there is a boom, it is sudden and swift. When I had that awakening moment that began all of this, I knew it would be a fast-paced journey.

I liked what you said about finding joy and excitement in things that are often perceived as mundane. I think that those are the exact things that bring the most joy if we choose to look at them as part of a journey rather than events unto themselves. There is life in every thing we do. That's the beauty of it all.

Thanks for such a wonderful and insightful comment.