Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Boom Time Day 8

This was a somewhat mild day for me.  I got up and did my morning routine as usual.  I weighed myself and was happy to note that my weight continues to drop.  I’m really curious to see how much I will have shed by the next weigh-in on Monday.  I spent the morning handling some important phone calls and running errands.  Then I went to work.  I teach music to Elementary and Middle School kids at Full-Circle-Learning Academy and in the after school program for Wilder’s Preparatory, which is called Teach 2 Reach.  Today, I was at Full-Circle-Learning.  I worked with Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grade.  All of my students are learning to read music and these kids are learning to play the recorder.  Many times, I leave the school at the end of the day feeling exhausted or stressed because working with children can sometimes be a real challenge.  Just imagine twenty 5-year-old antsy kids blaring on recorders and/or swinging them around and you should get the picture. However, I was happy to note that today I left feeling totally relaxed and centered.  This day was a testimony to the power of our minds.  The children were not any different than they usually are.  The difference was that I took the time in the morning to get myself on the right track with prayer, meditation and exercise.  So, I didn’t feel stressed because I was balanced.  This is one of the big lessons that I am learning in this process.  When I take care of me first, I have more energy and patience to go through my day.  It is really a wonderful experience.

Today I got a chance to speak with my great friend Jordan Allen.  He is an amazing massage therapist and healer.  He also is an instructor for massage therapy.  He and I have been friends for 20 years and even though we don’t always stay in touch, he is one of my dearest friends.  So, it was really nice to catch up with him today.  Both of us are preparing to get our lectures and seminars going.  I told him that I would put him in touch with Doctah B so that they could discuss the possibility of doing the work at Elevation.  (I guess I better get on the phone with Doctah B real soon since I keep running into people that may want to use his place.)  During the course of the conversation, Jordan asked me when I was going to come to his Tai Chi class.  He teaches one every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 – 8:30 am.  Unfortunately that time frame conflicts with my schedule, but if any of you would like to attend, let me know and I’ll be glad to get you the details.  I have wanted to do Tai Chi for years, so I have requested him to be open to doing a Tai Chi class on another day in the park so that I can participate and bring friends that would like to join us.  Sunday morning is a possibility.  If anyone is interested, let me know so that we can get a group going right away.  I would love the chance to work on my fitness goals with my friends.

The evening was relatively quiet.  I handled some errands and then made a nice dinner.  I made salmon and salad. I was proud of myself because I managed to get my picky daughter to eat raw broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, red cabbage, carrots and spinach….. joyfully!  She ate that even before she ate the salmon, which she loves.  I just cut the vegetables that I knew she wouldn’t normally eat into really small pieces so that she wouldn’t notice them.  I’m tricky, huh?  And, by the way, the dressing was Balsamic Vinegar – no oil, no sugar – just straight vinegar.  I put a bit of my favorite Cajun seasoning in there and a little bit of cheese and boiled egg.  That did the trick.

Well, I’m gonna take some time to do some cleaning and then get some rest.  My body feels like it’s ready to do some healing, so I’ll listen to it and go to bed earlier than usual. 

Before I go, though, I wanna put a call out to my readers.  What have you guys been doing to make a difference in your lives?  Is there anything in the blogs that have inspired you to action?  Do you have any questions about anything I've posted?  Know any resources that might be useful? Please comment and let everyone know.  And remember to let me know if you wanna do the Tai Chi class. Let’s build a community!

Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for prayer and meditation.  It is a wonderful feeling to go through the day feeling balanced and relaxed despite any challenges that may occur.  I hope that some of you will give yourself that gift.


Unknown said...

Definitely want to do the Tai Chi class. I'm turning into an early riser so anytime between 6am and 9am would work for me, with time to get to Sunday worship!

As always! Great job! Great committment to keep the blog posted daily too! Love ya, girl!

Kristin Barnes said...

So far we have 3 people who wanna do the class. Looking for at least 5 - 7 more. Any takers?

Thanks for the love and support Martine! You are a blessing!