Friday, February 12, 2010

Boom Time: Day Three

I just came in from a nice power walk to round out a very nice day.  It feels so good to be in motion and creating great results every day.  I got up this morning and did my prayers and meditations.  This is a very important part of my day because it helps me start off spiritually centered and positive.  It also helps to invigorate me and feel focused on the vision.  After I finished my normal routine, I pulled out one of the books I had been reading recently and hadn’t yet finished.  I got sidetracked a while ago and didn’t get through the whole thing.  It is an incredible book called “Brain States” by Tom Kenyon.  There is a lot of great information about changing your brain state purposefully and there are exercises that show you how powerful our mind is.  They also show how interconnected our mind, body and emotions are.  Changes in any one of those areas have an effect on the other areas.  Knowing that, we can take charge of our bodies and shift our experience.  A change in thinking will create a responsive change in our physical body and our emotions.  Making a conscious effort to shift our emotions has an effect on our thinking and our bodies.  It is all interconnected.  So, when we see something in our lives that we want to change, we need only find a way to shift one or more of these areas in order to affect change.  Kenyon says that we can accelerate healing by making changes in our mental and emotional experience and he gives several exercises to show how to do this.  It is a great resource and I recommend the book to anyone who is serious about using the tools that he provides.  Without putting the tools to use, the information will not have the desired effect. 
This morning I did one of the exercises in the book called the “Two Minute Stress Buster”. This exercise serves the purpose of relaxing the brain state, releasing tension while stimulating the lymph system and circulating cerebral spinal fluid.  After doing the exercise I felt more energized and focused.  While my daughter was getting ready for school, I did a quick cardio workout on Wii Fit.  Then, once I had dropped her off at school, I came home and got started on handling business.  Since I lost my phone last week, I’ve been in process of collecting phone numbers again.  I spent some time gathering the phone numbers I needed for the calls I had planned for the day.  Then, I got a call from Martine (depending on the day - my friend, mother, sister, mentor) and we talked business for a while and inspired each other.  By the way, Martine, your comment didn’t post on the blog.  I hope you will make an attempt to post It again.
While I was talking to Martine, I decided to go for a brisk morning walk around my neighborhood to get my metabolism moving.  That was a great energy booster and I was able to handle two things at one time.  I am learning to work more efficiently rather than cramming more things into one day.  After I finished with Martine, I called her brother, David, who is assisting me with one of the businesses I am growing and is interested in having me do voice lessons with his daughter.  We had a great conversation and got a lot accomplished.  Once I get a chance to speak with his wife, we will schedule her voice session and get that moving.  So, that makes 3 new voice students in 2 days.  Now that’s some nice progress.
Next, I called my friend Doctah B Sirius.  Yes that is really the name he goes by.  He is a powerful healer who uses sound, energetic balancing, herbal nutrition and other methods to treat his clients.  He did some work with me a few years ago and dramatically shifted some things in my life.  My work with him helped me to shift my primary source of income to my private business rather than working for a company.  It was a challenging change that helped me to grow in powerful ways.  We hadn’t been in touch recently, so I reached out to reconnect with him.  It turns out that he’s been doing some lectures at his place called Elevation Time about sound healing.  The next one is this Saturday from 1 – 6pm and he wants me to come down to check it out and support the lecture by demonstrating how to heal through voice.  I am happy to have an opportunity to do more work with him.  It always helps me to feel totally in my element.  I am definitely all about healing through sound and definitely through the voice.  It is great to get the opportunity to do more of that.  If anyone would like to check out Doctah B and his work, go to and you will find a bio and lots of other information about his services and products.
I also made preliminary arrangements to use his space to do my vocal workshops.  His place has the perfect energy for the work that I will be doing, so I am excited that he is open to me using it.  He also said that the people who will be coming to his lecture on Saturday would likely be interested in the work that I’m doing, so I’ll have an opportunity to do some networking and promotion.  I am so grateful for his support.
Now that I am reading through how much I got done to this point, I can see how helpful it is to be in a place of consistency and focus.  Everything I have mentioned thus far (except the walk I just finished) happened before 10am.  That is a very different experience than what I have been used to recently.  Making the commitment to get up earlier and include those crucial elements of prayer, meditation and exercise made a huge shift in my daily experience.
The rest of my day was filled with teaching at Full Circle Learning Academy, errands and more organization.  I feel clear about my plans and intentions for tomorrow.  I intend to speak with several of the people I have been out of touch with recently and reconnect like I did with Doctah B. today.  I will also continue with my spiritual routine in the morning and exercising.  I will do a more vigorous strength training routine tomorrow since the last couple of days have mostly been focused on cardio.  I will make Monday the weight check-in day to track my progress. Even though I weigh-in with the Wii Fit every day, I don’t place a lot of emphasis on the daily results because weight fluctuates around 2lbs every day, so unless I see a clear upward or downward trend, I’ll post my weight results every Monday.
I forgot to mention yesterday that I got a call from Ricky Byars-Beckwith (music director at Agape) inviting me to sing at Agape again on March 23rd.  I sang there last Wednesday as part of their service.  It was recorded and is going to be aired on CNN.  Once I get the date confirmed I will post it so that interested readers can see the program.  Anyway, usually there is several months in between the times that I sing at Agape, so it was quite an honor to receive a call for another booking so quickly.  If you are not familiar with Agape, you should check them out.  You can find more information on them at  Ricky’s husband is Reverend Michael Beckwith.  He is the leader of Agape and has been featured in the video, “The Secret” and also recently had a PBS special.  These are some powerful people, so if you don’t know them, check them out.  You will definitely be inspired.

Thank you to those who have been reading the blogs and responding with such great feedback.  I still hope that more people will post on the actual blog page so that others can benefit from your input.
Gratitude:  Today I am grateful for the ability to use my voice for healing.  Both Doctah B and Ricky Byars-Beckwith support me in my work and I am so thankful to have such powerful , inspirational people recognize my talent and be willing to help me put it to greater use.  Life is good!


Unknown said...

I'm proud of you! Your focus and determination inspire me and I really am grateful to be a part of this phase of your life. It is Boom Time? time for manifesting as a result of growth, sacrifice, overcoming self and challenges from the outside world. A time for bringing crisis and victory full circle, resulting in prosperity and a higher forms of love and consciousness.
It's a beautiful time to acknowledge how far you've traveled toward true self-knowledge. It's beautiful to watch, like a unique, one-of-a-kind flower blooming in brilliant colors that change each day as it reaches for the light of the Sun. Love you, Martine

Unknown said...

oh yeah and I guess I figured out how to actually "post" what I wrote!!! Technology, don't you love it!!!