Thursday, February 25, 2010

Concert on Sunday

Here is the flyer for the concert I will be participating in on Sunday in case anyone wants to come.  E-mail me if you are coming so I can look for you.



Kristin Barnes said...

Click on the flyer to see the whole thing.

Kristin Barnes said...

This is a comment from my sister Dawnee. She's been having a hard time posting, so I'm putting this one on for her since she is the BOMB!


Hey Sis,

My family is going to be there. I also need a flyer ASAP for your workshop. I spoke to a minister friend of mine that works with me. I approached him about offering your workshop to his congregation and other sister congregations, he wants to attend the workshops to experience what you do and meet you, so get back to me.

I am very proud of you. It’s so hard to get time at work to post to your blog, but it’s always when I think of the things I want to write sssssssssoooooooo, I’m forwarding them to my blackberry so that I can respond at my breaks. I hope that it works!!!

I love you!