Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Boom Time: Day Two

Day Two
Today was a great day! I got up a little later than I had planned. I had a lot of catching up on sleep to do after being up from 3am to 11:30pm yesterday. Once I did get up, I got on the Wii Fit, did my weigh in and discovered that I was 2lbs lighter. That was a nice start to the day. I did a 30 minute cardio workout and then got to business organizing my day. I got totally organized and handled more business in a few hours than I usually do in a day. When I checked my e-mail, I saw a message from my sister Dawnee in response to my blog post from yesterday. Her words were extremely uplifting and encouraging. That was a great message to experience in the morning. Thank you sis!!!! That’s exactly what I’m talking about. When you guys participate in my journey, you help me achieve my goals by giving me fuel through encouragement, ideas, and holding me accountable. It feels great to know that if I don’t post a message today, there are people who will hit me up and say, “What happened?” That means that I will be much more likely to stay committed to the process that I have set for myself. One of the lessons I am learning is how important building a team around me is. I have been so used to doing things for myself, that it has been difficult for me to break that habit. This blog and your support are part of the solution to that challenge. Now that I can see the pattern that has kept me blocked, I am making an effort to do something different.
I also wanna thank my girl Arlyn Royce for her support. You have been a great inspiration to me as you have been working through your own challenges with heroic effort. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many incredible people. Now it’s time for us to find ways to team up and support each other in our growth in a tangible way. I am excited at the prospect of making that happen. I hope that you guys will comment on the blog page so that others can see what you are writing and learn from your thoughts. I want this experience to be something that benefits everyone involved. That is where growth really takes off!
Anyway, getting back to how the day went, I taught music at Wilder’s Preparatory today and the kids had a chance to sing the songs that I have been teaching them to the director of the after school program (my supervisor) and some of the parents. They sounded great and the director of the program was so happy that she decided she wanted to get me some more hours so that I can help her put together a mini version of The Wiz with the kids for the end of the year. While I was happy to get an opportunity to increase my hours and pay, I was even more excited to realize that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to take on the extra hours because my private business is beginning to pick up. That was a great moment for me.
Earlier in the day I got on the phone and called Sheri Petrie, who was my physical trainer about a year ago. We were working together twice a week and I had lost about 20lbs, but I kept having problems with my bone alignment. For years, I have been recovering from adrenal exhaustion that was so severe that I my adrenal glands were almost completely shot. One of the ways that adrenal exhaustion affected me was that my ligaments would become like overstretched rubber bands and my bones would go out of place very easily. So, when I would work out, I kept throwing the bones in my neck out. Now, I am feeling a lot stronger, thanks to some mental work I’ve been doing and a particular product that I’ve been taking. So, I decided to get back into the routine. I got in touch with Sheri and we struck a deal. She’s gonna train me and I will give her kids voice lessons. I used to teach her kids when I worked at View Park Prep and they are both very talented singers, so I am totally excited to work with them again. With one call, I made advancements in two of my three goals! Now that’s what I’m talking about.
I’ve got a lot more work to do, so tomorrow will be filled with phone calls and other action steps toward my goals. I am looking forward to continuing on the journey with you all.

Gratitude: Today, I am grateful for true friends who support by speaking honestly, holding me to what I say and encouraging me with loving, inspiring words. Thank you Dawnee and Arlyn for shining in my world today. I love you both!!!

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